Thought for the Day (11-06-2018)

It’s Going to be Okay, no Matter What

Well, it’s Election Day.

Win, Lose, or Draw, the Proto Criteria will still remain – they are Unalienable.

It has been said that this is the most important Election of our lifetime, but it isn’t.  There will be another Election in 2020, and those who won this time around will have to defend their victory all over again.  Neither side is going to quit.

When you win an election you breathe a sigh of relief, but an election victory is never Permanent.

So don’t worry, if the Democrats win, there’s not much they’re going to be able to do in the next two years without the Whitehouse.  The Republicans held both the House and the Senate during the Obama Administration and they couldn’t advance their agenda.  When you have a Congress that is dominated by one party, and the Whitehouse belongs to another, it leads to a Stalemate – and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Of course, we want to move our Country to the Right on the Freedom Index, but if we can’t, the next best thing is to hold our ground.

If the Republicans win, don’t expect the Democrats and the News Media to be silent.  They’ll be as contentious as ever.  We have to fight Hivism every day.

God Bless America


Revelation (10-31-2018)

Kyrsten Sinema to the Rescue!  Boo!

Photo: David Wallace/The Republic

In a new radio campaign ad the Democratic candidate for the US Senate in Arizona, Kyrsten Sinema, talks about being a Problem Solver.  She says that there are no Republican Problems or Democrat Problems, just Problems, and that she is the one who will fight for you and solve your Problems.

How nice.

When a candidate starts to talk about Solving Problems, however, it is not a good thing; a Red Flag should go up.

You see, a Problem is a Subjective thing.  What is a Problem to one person may not be a Problem to another, and vice versa.  Some Problems are Real and some Problems are Imaginary, manufactured by Propaganda or Deceit.

Therefore, when a Politician comes forth claiming to be a Solver of Problems, you had better expect to be abused by the Solutions they propose, because it is NOT the Job of an Elected Official in a Free Society to solve your Problems.  The JOB of every Elected official in a Free Society is to Secure the Unalienable Rights of Mankind (the Proto Criteria) for their constituents.


Thought for the Day (10-26-2018)

The Mail Bomber is not One of Us!

It is written,

“In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of all Mankind.  The Light shines in the Darkness but the Darkness cannot take hold of it.” John 1:4-5 

The Measure of the Quality of a Human Being is a Passionate Regard for the Sanctity of Human Life beginning at Conception.  Whosoever does not have a Passionate Regard for the Sanctity of Human Beginning at Conception, is not a Child of the Light and the Spirit of Life is not in them.

ALL MURDER is caused by a Callous Disregard for the Sanctity of Human Life.  Whosoever would commit Murder has a Heart filled with Darkness; a Callous Disregard for the Sanctity of Human Life permeates their whole being.


Talking Point (10-22-2018)

Every Nation has the Right to Secure its own Borders!

Immigrant Caravan from Honduras – Axios

It will be very difficult, if not impossible, for Leftists to score Political Points by criticizing the Right to Life.  Therefore, their Tactic will be to implement the 4th Rule of Saul Alinsky: Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.  They will try to use this 4th Rule on everything from Climate Change to Illegal Immigration, and we need to be constantly on the watch.

Their argument will go something like this: “We need to ______ in order to Secure the Right to Life.”

There is, however, no Left-Wing Solution that Secures any of the Proto Criteria, much less the Right to Life.  The Left-Wing must be directly opposed to the Proto Criteria on every point, for it is literally impossible for any form of Totalitarianism to Secure the Proto Criteria.

Therefore, Our Response to the Approaching Caravan and Illegal Immigration, in general, should always include an element of the following:


Talking Point (10-20-2018)

Capitalism is a Synonym for Freedom – Socialism is for Insects, not People

On October, 17th, 2018, someone at Teen Vogue dropped a tweet which stated, “Can’t #endpoverty without ending capitalism!”  This elicited a response from a multitude of Conservatives including one our favorites here at Proto Criteria, Liz Wheeler of One America News.

Now here’s the thing – while we wholehearted agree with everything Liz is saying, we wish that she would have approached this in a different way.  We, as “conservatives”, should stop trying to defend Capitalism as though it were an actual Economic System.  Engaging in a defense of Capitalism is what we call, in the Arena of Debate, defending a Straw Man.  You see, there is no such thing as Capitalism, there is only Freedom.


Conflict Theory in Action – The Coming Chaos


The Left-Wing is about to explode and we need the Proto Criteria more than ever, it is the only thing that can hold our Republic together.


“Who has believed our Message, and to whom has the Arm of the LORD been Revealed!” (Isaiah 53:1)

Please, whoever reads this – SPREAD THE WORD about the Proto Criteria!  It is the Gift of God, our Shield and our Sword in these Times of Trouble.  Read them, Know them, Teach them – never let them go.


For Republicans Only

To: All Republicans

Re: The 2018 Mid-Terms and Beyond

Once in a while something comes along that changes the Course of History.  The Magna Carta, the 95 Theses, and the Declaration of Independence, for example.  These documents have had a Profound Effect on the development of Human Civilization.

Now comes the Proclamation of the Proto Criteria.


An Open Letter

An Open Letter to All Republican Candidates for Congress

Greetings, My Fellow Americans,

In 1994, the Republicans won the US House and Senate for the first time in decades because of a brilliant idea to “nationalize” the mid-terms by Newt Gingrich – it was called the “Contract with America.”

The time has come to Nationalize the Elections again.

This time, not with a contract, but with a Definitive Ideology which is consistent with President Trump’s theme of “Make America Great Again.”

This Ideology is not really new, however, it was the Ideology of our Founding Fathers.

This Ideology is expressed in the Declaration of Independence:

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Think about that.
