Thought for the Day (11-06-2018)
It’s Going to be Okay, no Matter What
Well, it’s Election Day.
Win, Lose, or Draw, the Proto Criteria will still remain – they are Unalienable.
It has been said that this is the most important Election of our lifetime, but it isn’t. There will be another Election in 2020, and those who won this time around will have to defend their victory all over again. Neither side is going to quit.
When you win an election you breathe a sigh of relief, but an election victory is never Permanent.
So don’t worry, if the Democrats win, there’s not much they’re going to be able to do in the next two years without the Whitehouse. The Republicans held both the House and the Senate during the Obama Administration and they couldn’t advance their agenda. When you have a Congress that is dominated by one party, and the Whitehouse belongs to another, it leads to a Stalemate – and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
Of course, we want to move our Country to the Right on the Freedom Index, but if we can’t, the next best thing is to hold our ground.
If the Republicans win, don’t expect the Democrats and the News Media to be silent. They’ll be as contentious as ever. We have to fight Hivism every day.
God Bless America