Conflict Theory in Action – The Coming Chaos


The Left-Wing is about to explode and we need the Proto Criteria more than ever, it is the only thing that can hold our Republic together.


“Who has believed our Message, and to whom has the Arm of the LORD been Revealed!” (Isaiah 53:1)

Please, whoever reads this – SPREAD THE WORD about the Proto Criteria!  It is the Gift of God, our Shield and our Sword in these Times of Trouble.  Read them, Know them, Teach them – never let them go.

What we are witnessing in the United States today is an application of Karl Marx’s Conflict Theory.  As I wrote in Secular Hivism: the Enemy of Freedom, the Left-Wing operates with either programs of Subterfuge or programs of Force.  Since their efforts to win by Subterfuge seem to be failing, they are feeling the need to resort to Force.  Generally, the Left-Wing waits until they have total political control before they resort to Force in a final move to take over a nation, but they will utilize Force if they feel like they’re losing as part of a “Scorched Earth” endeavor.  There is a very Real Effort to start an actual Violent and Bloody Revolution in this country.  Their Minions (the Dependent Personalities I wrote about in Secular Hivism) have been stirred into a frenzy by propaganda and deceit; they are frustrated and hopeless.  They are hopeless, however, because they have chosen to embrace the Ideas of Hivist Overlords instead of the Proto Criteria.

Leftists feel as though they have control over most of the World through the United Nations, but with the election of Donald Trump they’re worried about the United States.  They were set to implement everlasting Totalitarian Policies regarding Healthcare and Climate Change and then Trump got elected and spoiled it all.  For all that he is, he is not one of Them.

But there is more at work than they realize: there is a God in Heaven who is not their friend.  The policies of Abortionists are ALWAYS Deceitful and Evil – the Spirit of Life is not in them.

I’m afraid the Proto Criteria are too obscure to effect this Election Cycle, but who knows: The Spirit goes where the Spirit goes, and no one knows where He comes from and no one knows where He’s going.


Pour Your Spirit Upon Us, O Lord!