Secular Hivism

Secular Hivism: the Enemy of Freedom


One thing we know about the World is that Evil is Pervasive.  It comes in many forms, in diverse manners, and permeates the very fabric of our lives.  It attacks our hearts and our minds; it affects our behavior, our relationships, and our bodies.

Evil emerges from Chaos and thrives in Confusion and Darkness; it doesn’t want to be seen or recognized.  When the Light of Truth shines on Evil, Evil scurries for the shadows – but when Evil is fully exposed and has nowhere to hide, it fights like a Dragon.

The Common Thread that unites all the Evil in the World is a Callous Disregard for the Sanctity of Human Life: a Callous Disregard for the Sanctity of Human Life during Intercourse, a Callous Disregard for the Sanctity of Human Life during Pregnancy, and a Callous Disregard for the Sanctity of Human Life after Birth.  All Murder, without exception, stems from a Callous Disregard for the Sanctity of Human Life.

A Callous Disregard for the Sanctity of Human Life is the Morality of Misanthropes.

A Callous Disregard for the Sanctity of Human Life is the Morality of Psychopaths.

When a Political System advocates or demonstrates a Callous Disregard for the Sanctity of Human Life, we have no choice but to call it Evil.

Political Evil has a name…



A few years ago I wrote a book entitled, The Final Religion.  Although I have yet to publish it, the process of writing the manuscript provided me with a goldmine of hashed-out verbiage.  Since I had to organize my thoughts and phrasing on various topics to accomplish the task, the result was the expression of a logical and consistent philosophy from beginning to end.

Anyway, what I’m trying to say, is that everything I write for this website probably has some text which is lifted and modified from The Final Religion.  I am the author of both, and I have the right.

Hivism is the title and subject of the Tenth Chapter of The Final Religion.  The chapter itself is almost 20,000 words long, but it is an astute new way of looking at how the World works in both the Religious and Political arenas.

What I want to present here is a succinct version of the Tenth Chapter of The Final Religion that has been modified for this website and pertains more to the Political Side of the issue.

The term Hivism is effectively my own creation.  If others have also used such a term, I am unaware and I don’t care – I consider my version of Hivism as the definitive form.  I felt I had to create a new word because no existing term completely expressed what I was seeing in the world.  I arrived at Hivism because I thought it could thoroughly convey what I was observing.  I wasn’t trying to be provocative, I wasn’t trying to be transcendent, I was just trying to figure out the best word to describe what I have uncovered.

Now, I invite you to open your mind to a new way of looking at the World.

Consider that I am the Teacher and you are the Student.  That I am the Master and you are the Apprentice.



I’m assuming that we have all worked on a jigsaw puzzle at one time or another.  As you know, the picture doesn’t make any sense until a majority of the pieces are fit together.  Well, it is the same with Hivism.  Hivism is like a puzzle and it won’t make any sense until we put some pieces together.  When you work on a jigsaw puzzle at home with friends or family, you will invariably assemble it in little sections.  Each person will look for colors and patterns that go together and focus on them.  Someone might work on the border, someone else on the sky, and yet another on the building, for example.  It really doesn’t matter what is done first – it only matters that you’ll be able to fit them together when you’re ready.

Here, I’m going to assemble a “picture” of Hivism in little sections.  At first, your view of Hivism will be unclear, but as we put the various sections together an amazing portrait will emerge.  A profound portrait, a comprehensive View of Society that will enable you to identify and respond to all kinds of threats against your Unalienable Rights and your Personal Freedom.

Oddly enough, I’m not going to begin with the subject of Hivism itself – I’m going to begin with the Political Spectrum.


The Political Spectrum: the Freedom Index

I have always been bothered by the way the Traditional Left-Right Political Spectrum is Pessimistically Terminal.  Think of it, on the Extreme Right we supposedly have Nazi Dictatorships, Fascist Dictatorships, Military Dictatorships, and Abusive Monarchies, among a long list of other things.   On the Extreme Left we supposedly have Communist Dictatorships, Marxist Dictatorships, Proletarian Dictatorships, and Anarchists, among a long list of other things.

Dictatorships to the Left and Dictatorships to the Right, there’s not much choice.  It’s as though whoever propagated the Spectrum didn’t want people to see a way out – they wanted us to think that we were permanently trapped between two Evil Extremes.

Knowledge of the Proto Criteria, however, allows us to see the World in a New Light.

The Traditional Left-Right Political Spectrum isn’t really a Spectrum at all and it certainly doesn’t depict legitimate or functional opposites – there is no specific parameter that identifies clear and precise differences.  In its simplest form the Traditional Spectrum could be viewed as the Old Order against the New Order, but the Old Order is no more the diametrical opposite of the New Order than an Old man is the diametrical opposite of a Young Man; it’s a veritably worthless distinction.

The Freedom Index, however, is a new Political Spectrum that actually depicts diametrical Opposites defined by a single set of tangible quantifiable parameters.

It is not based on the Type or Style of a Government like the Traditional version, which attempts to place functionally similar items such as Communism on the Left and Fascism on the Right; it is based on the measurable parameters of Real Freedom.

Real Freedom is NOT the ability to do whatever you want so long as you don’t hurt anyone else.  To define Freedom in such a manner is essentially Thoughtless and Juvenile, it’s the kind of definition of Freedom that any self-absorbed teenager might formulate.  Real (Grownup/Adult) Freedom is the Unalienable Right and Ability to Provide for yourself, Choose your own Obligations (Control your own Destiny), and Fulfil Truth and Justice.

You are not really Free if you can’t Provide for yourself, Choose your own Obligations, or Fulfill Truth and Justice.

Therefore, Real Freedom is measured in terms of Dependencies, Obligations, and Regulations.

  • Dependencies are those estates where a person is void of self-determination.
  • Obligations are those entities for which a person is Financially and Ethically bound.
  • Regulations are those authoritative decrees which a person must obey.

Real Freedom is inversely proportional to the extent a Person is Dependent on the Government, Obligated to the Government, and Regulated by the Government.  The less a Person is Dependent on, Obligated to, and Regulated by the Government, the more Freedom they possess.  The more a Person is Dependent on, Obligated to, and Regulated by the Government, the less Freedom they possess. 

It is as simple as that.

Here is the initial form of the Freedom Index:

This is the Official Political Spectrum of the Proto Criteria and this website.  When I speak of Left-Wing/Right-Wing this is what I’m talking about.  We will refine this Freedom Index a little later.

Normally, when people are asked to identify the opposite of Freedom they say Slavery.  Slavery, however, is only a progeny of Hivism.

The Opposite of Real Freedom is Hivism. 

Hivism is the Political Opposite of Real Freedom, and Hivism automatically generates Slavery. (This is one piece of the puzzle).

Now, let us quickly proceed to the cursory definitions of Hivism and get them out of the way.


The Hivism Primer

Hivism is a Comprehensive Subject.  It is, however, a no-nonsense assessment of the way Society works.  The road to understanding many things in life is clouded by complexity, but with my presentation of Hivism I hope to simplify the process and light a clear path.

What is presently called the Extreme Left is no different than what is called the Extreme Right with regard to Human Freedom, a Fascist Dictator is no different than a Communist Dictator – they shouldn’t be categorized as two different things.  Every Dictatorship, Right or Left, is still a dictatorship, and every Dictatorship is hostile toward the Unalienable Rights of Mankind.



Regarding Structure

Hivism is an umbrella term for all Religious and Political Systems that revolve around a Central or Monolithic Authority.

Politically, Hivism is a new all-inclusive term for Totalitarianism, Communism, Socialism, Collectivism, Fascism, Nazism, Monarchism, or any other form of Government where the Leaders have unlimited Authority over the People.  I lump them all together because they’re all the same, no matter what anyone tells you; people such as Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Castro are all the same.

A Hive is a specific Religious or Political System that functions like an Insect Colony.

Politically, a Hive is a System where people are viewed as being either Subjects or Leaders.  The Subjects are equivalent to Worker Bees and are considered to be Second Class citizens, inferior and expendable.  The Leaders are equivalent to the Royal Strain, Queens and Drones, and are considered to be First Class citizens, superior and indispensable.  The Leaders have the power to confiscate everything the Subjects produce, and the Subjects are forced to depend on the Leaders for every aspect of their lives.  The Subjects are never allowed to leave the Hive.

A Hivist is a person who seeks to build or belong to a Hive; a person who seeks out a life which is supported by, sustained by, and relegated by the Government; a person who advocates for the Institution of a Totalitarian Government.  Hivist, as an adjective, refers to something that emulates the characteristics of Hivism.

Politically, Hivist is a new all-inclusive term for Liberals, Communists, Marxists, Nazis, Fascists, Statists, and anyone else who believes that People should be sustained by, supported by, and put to work by the Government.  A Hivist is someone who accepts the idea that the Government should take care of all their problems and provide them with all the necessities of Life.

The Message of the Hivist is: “Join the Hive, don’t resist the Hive, submit to the Hive, be a part of the Hive, don’t fight the Hive, believe in the Hive, never leave the Hive, trust the Hive,” etc…, etc…

A Hive Manager is the Primary Leader of a Hive.

Politically, Hive Manager is a new all-inclusive term for Dictators, Kings, Queens, Monarchs, Lords, Masters, Kaisers, Fuhrers, Chieftains, Chairmen, Presidents, Premiers, and anyone else who has Plenary Authority and never has to leave Office.  (Note: not all Presidents are Dictators, but some Dictators call themselves Presidents.)  Basically, a Hive Manager is a King or a Queen, in spite of what title they may call themselves.

The Hive Command is a Body of Leaders that govern a Hive; effectively the Royal Strain.

Politically, a Hive Command is a new word for the Government of a Totalitarian State, which may or may not include a Hive Manager.  However, the reflections of a Hive Command can be found in many Republican forms of Government.  In the United States, for example, we have the “Establishment,” and it almost functions like a Hive Command.

Now, the definitions above basically relate to the Structure of Hivism, but the definitions below relate more to the Function of Hivism.


Regarding Function

Hives are built through the implementation of the Hivist Solution.

The Hivist Solution is an answer to a Problem, real or imagined, that establishes a Hive Culture.

A Hive Culture is one of three Social Constructs that facilitate the cultivation and perpetuation of a Centralized Command and Control: a Culture of Dependency, a Culture of Obligation, and a Culture of Regulation.  Hive Cultures are consequences of Human Inability and Incompetence.

A Culture of Dependency is one whose members are made to rely on the Hive Command for every aspect of Life.  This means that every member of the Hive is stripped of the opportunity to function independently.  Every person is sustained by, supported by, and put to work by the Hive Command.

A Culture of Obligation is about making certain people Financially Obligated for things that actually violate their Unalienable Rights.  A Culture of Obligation is about False and Forced Obligations.

A Culture of Regulation is one where the people are convinced that all their problems can and should be solved with Government Legislation.  A Culture of Regulation is the Notion that there Needs to be a Law governing every aspect of Life.

This concludes the Hivism Primer.

So, after reading the Primer do you think you have a general understanding of what Hivism is about?  If I were to utilize the terminology of Hivism in my website posts and pages, would you be able to follow along?  Could you tell me what a Hive Manager is, for instance?   Would you be able to explain what Hivism is to someone else?

Here is a little multiple choice quiz I’ve prepared so that you can test and refine what you’ve learned about Hivism.


Hivism Self-Quiz

  1. What is Hivism? (Choose one)
  1. a) The proper term for the occupation of beekeepers
  2. b) All Religious and Political Systems that revolve around a Central or Monolithic Authority
  3. c) The academic study of skin rashes
  4. d) The branch of science dealing with the study of social insects
  1. What is a Political Hive? (Choose two)
  1. a) A large dome-shaped building that houses a political party
  2. b) One of many small itchy bumps on the skin received as result of discussing politics
  3. c) A Political System that functions like an Insect Colony
  4. d) A Political System where people are viewed as being either Subjects or Leaders
  1. What is a Hivist? (Choose one)
  1. a) A person who likes to eat honey
  2. b) A person who loves observing ants and bees
  3. c) A person afflicted with skin rashes
  4. d) A person who seeks out and advocates any form of Totalitarian Government
  1. What is a Hive Manager? (Choose two)
  1. a) The Supreme Commander of a Totalitarian Government
  2. b) A name given to any ointment that soothes itchy skin
  3. c) An all-inclusive name for any Political Dictator
  4. d) The owner of a honey harvesting company
  1. What is a Hive Command? (Choose two)
  1. a) The licensing committee of the Fraternal Order of Beekeepers
  2. b) The Government of a Totalitarian State
  3. c) A stock market term for the purchase price of bee hives
  4. d) The general term for a Central or Monolithic Authority
  1. What is the Hivist Solution? (Choose one)
  1. a) The ultimate cure for skin rash sufferers
  2. b) A Theory which advocates using honey to solve the problem of world hunger
  3. c) The political answer to a problem that establishes a Hive Culture
  4. d) A Theory which advocates using bee’s wax to build houses for the poor
  1. What is a Hive Culture? (Choose one)
  1. a) The name given to a specialized group of Rave partiers
  2. b) A Social Construct that facilitates the existence of a Centralized Command and Control
  3. c) The playful lifestyle of a street gang
  4. d) The name for bacteria growing in a bee hive
  1. What is a Culture of Dependency? (Choose two)
  1. a) A new brand of “faithful” yogurt on which you can depend
  2. b) A Political Estate where people are forced to rely on the Government for every aspect of Life
  3. c) The name of a 1980s pop-rock band
  4. d) The will to be supported by, sustained by, and relegated by someone else
  1. What is a Culture of Obligation? (Choose one)
  1. a) A Political Estate where people are forced to pay taxes
  2. b) A Political Estate where people are forced to pay for their own necessities
  3. c) A Political Estate where people are forced to pay for things that violate their Unalienable Rights
  4. d) A Political Estate where people are forced to play musical instruments
  1. What is a Culture of Regulation? (Choose two)
  1. a) The follow-up album to Alan Parson’s Vulture Culture
  2. b) The notion that every aspect of Life should be regulated by the Government
  3. c) The name of a board game from Milton-Bradley
  4. d) A Political Estate where Laws are seen as the Solution to all Problems

Answers: 1= b, 2= c & d, 3= d, 4= a & c, 5= b & d, 6= c, 7= b, 8= b & d, 9= c, 10= b & d

Okay, I hope that was fun and that you were able to reinforce what you’ve learned.  Now, let’s delve into some more challenging stuff and take a deeper look at Hive Cultures.


Human Personalities and Hive Cultures

As we have already learned, a Hive Culture is one of many patterns of behavior or social estates that are conducive to the formation and perpetuation of a Centralized Command and Control.  In other words, a Hive Culture is one that breeds power and authority for a particular individual or a small group of individuals.

Hive Cultures are developed by taking advantage of a particular set of behavioral proclivities common to a number of people.  Exploiting certain Personality Groups is a fundamental aspect of Hivism.

Now, some Psychologists {e.g. Myers-Briggs) have identified at least 16 specific Personality Types, but for this expository we’re going to deal with three Main Personality Groups.  A generalized analysis of World History reveals that Societies are essentially built upon the interaction of three basic groups of human personalities which exist throughout the political and religious spectrum; Dependent Personalities, Managerial Personalities, and Autonomous Personalities.

Dependent Personalities crave structure by fiat rather than figure it out for themselves. They want to be led and told what to do, for whatever reason, and they feel secure when they’re part of a group, a pack, a herd, or a hive.  They want someone to rule over them.

Managerial Personalities crave authority, they want to lead and control others, and they welcome the opportunity and embrace the responsibility to do so with ambition and confidence.  They want to rule over others.

Dependent and Managerial Personalities desperately need each other and they are invariably drawn together.  Where one is, the other is also.  Every Mob has a Leader, and vice versa.  (I believe this is the Psychiatric definition of a Co-Dependent relationship.)

Autonomous Personalities, however, inherently recognize the Proto Criteria.  They don’t need to lead and they don’t need to follow, they are able to Provide for themselves and Fulfill Truth and Justice on their own.  It doesn’t matter if they’re part of a group or not, and they never substantially rely on a leader.  They only want to be ruled by a Common Immutable Principle.

As I discussed earlier, a Political Hive is a System of Government that functions like an Insect Colony.

In nature, Hives do not concern themselves with the Freedom of their Individual members, they are focused only on the cultivation and perpetuation of the Hive as a Whole.  Hivism functions efficiently for Insects because all the members of a particular Hive are siblings and essentially clones.  Humans, however, are neither Insects nor Clones.  Life in a Hive or a Collective is against both our Physiological and Psychological Natures.

The propensity toward Hivism breaks down with the Evolution of the Intellect.  A Hivist animal requires a total lack of Self-Awareness and Self-Competence.   They can only live as extensions of a Single or Central Mind.    In essence, an ant colony, though it consists of many individual ants, operates as a single detached life-form, what some scientists call a Super-Organism.  We could think of each ant in its colony as fulfilling the role of an individual cell in our own bodies, or a trail of ants as the root of a plant that carries nutrients back to the stem.

Hive animals developed on a different branch of the Evolutionary Tree from Human Beings.  They are exclusively invertebrates.  Higher animals and mammals have evolved a strong sense of Self-Awareness and Self-Competence.  We can cooperate with one another, but we are completely separate individuals, and virtually every adult member of the subphylum is capable of reproducing and living independently.

A Hive animal cannot survive without its colony, but higher evolved animals can exist all by themselves.  Consider these comments by the American Biologist, Edward Osbourne Wilson, considered by some to be the world’s leading authority on ants:

“Edward O. Wilson, referring to ants, once said that “Karl Marx was right, socialism works, it is just that he had the wrong species, meaning that while ants and other eusocial species appear to live in communist-like societies, they only do so because they are forced to do so from their basic biology, as they lack reproductive independence: worker ants, being sterile, need their ant-queen to survive as a colony and a species and individual ants cannot reproduce without a queen, thus being forced to live in centralised societies. Humans, however, do possess reproductive independence so they can give birth to offspring without the need of a “queen”, and in fact humans enjoy their maximum level of Darwinian fitness only when they look after themselves and their offspring, while finding innovative ways to use the societies they live in for their own benefit.””

Source: (10/16/2013)


Since living in a Collective like an Insect is fundamentally against Human Nature, Hives must be Contrived.  In other words, since Hivism is Unnatural it must be imposed upon the Human Race in order to exist.

Since few people are willing to live in a Hive voluntarily, they either have to be tricked or compelled into doing so.  Hives are created Overtly by the use of Force or Covertly by the use of Subterfuge (Mind Games).

Force is used when there is no need to play Mind Games, such as converting an Old Hive into a New Hive or annexing a weak and unstable government which can’t resist.

The creation of the Soviet Union in 1917 was an example of converting an Old Hive into a New Hive by force.  Czarist Russia (the Old Hive) was a Legacy Dictatorship, and the Soviet Union (the New Hive) was an Opportunity Dictatorship.  There was absolutely no increase in Real Freedom for the citizens of Russia, however; they lived as possessions of the State under the Czar and remained possessions of the State under Lenin.

Another example of converting an Old Hive into a New Hive by force was the 1979 conquest of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, by the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.  Under the Shah (the Old Hive Manager), Iran was a Legacy Dictatorship, and under the Ayatollah (the New Hive Manager), Iran became an Opportunity Dictatorship.  Once again, there was absolutely no increase in Real Freedom for the citizens of Iran; they lived as possessions of the State under Pahlavi and remained possessions of the State under Khomeini.

Some Hive Managers are born into the role and some Hive Managers are self-made.  Either way, a Hive is still a Hive.

When potential Hive Managers or Hivist Advocates are not strong enough to subdue people by the use of Force, they must resort to Subterfuge.  Subterfuge is used when Mind Games are required.

Here is where the Personality Groups especially come into play.

Dependent Personalities are easily influenced by the Power of Suggestion and Propaganda; they are extremely gullible.   Remember the old saying (which is sometimes attributed to either Abraham Lincoln or P.T. Barnum),

“You can fool all of the people some of the time, you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” 


Dependent Personalities comprise the group of people who can be fooled all of the time.  In the Political and Religious arenas they are motivated by their emotions rather than their intellects.  They are kept ignorant by misinformation and propaganda, and their Ignorance breeds Dependency.  Dependent personalities can definitely possess high levels of Compulsory Intelligence, but they simply lack the ability or penchant for Critical Analysis.

Dependent Personalities, therefore, are a Hive Maker’s useful idiots.  Their inability to assess the legitimacy of Ideas and Premises, and their willingness to turn their lives over to the discretion of others, makes them the primary Tools of Hive Construction.  The Cause of Freedom isn’t safe when vast numbers of Dependent Personalities throw themselves to the mercy of Hive Managers.

Hive Managers must have Power and Control, and they will do everything possible to obtain it.  They will Lie, Cheat, Steal, and Kill in order to possess it; they won’t let anything stand in their way.  What they cannot take by brute force, they will take incrementally by coercion and deceit.

In a Free Society, one ruled by Proto Criterian principles, there may be a number of potential Hive Managers lurking in the shadows, and they’re competing with each other to usurp it.  Since none of them have yet achieved Absolute Control, they’re always trying to position themselves politically so they can have the option to use brute force.

One Hive Manager will hate another Hive Manger, and one Hive will hate another Hive, just as surely as Red Ants hate Black Ants.  Hitler and Stalin are examples of two Hive Managers that vehemently hated each other.  Just because two Political Entities are Hivist, it doesn’t mean they’re united.

In the end, a Hive is an extension of the Hive Manager; it will do His or Her bidding.  The primary objective of every Hive Manager is to strengthen their personal Command and Control, and they won’t let anyone stop them.

Autonomous Personalities pose a threat to Hive Managers just as much as their rivals, they are a Hive Maker’s enemies; the power of the Hive will be brought to bear against them.  Since Autonomous Personalities prefer the Rule of Law and Principles over the Rule of a Person, they are not going to join a Hive willingly; they must be Compelled or Eliminated.

Now that we have established all these pieces, we can put a picture together of how Hivism is established and maintained.


Hivism: The Modis Operandi

Like many Systemic Endeavors, Hivism operates in two Principle Modes: an Establishment-Growth Mode and a Conditioning/Maintenance Mode.  Although the two Modes often run simultaneously and are intricately intertwined, there are certain characteristics which enable us to distinguish one from the other.


Establishment/Growth Mode

The best way to illustrate the Establishment-Growth Mode of Hivism is to consider the Con Game.

In a Con Game, there are basically two players: the Swindler and the Victim (also known as the Mark, the Sucker, the Sap, the Target, the Fool, or the Prey.)  The Swindler tries to convince the Victim that there is some kind of Problem which needs his Solution.  This problem is a “Stressor”, an issue that is used to cause Severe Anxiety for the Victim.  The problem, however, is designed to be one that the Victim cannot solve without involving the Swindler.  Because the Victim wants to relieve the Stress caused by the Problem, and they can’t solve it themselves, they turn to the Swindler for a Solution.  The Swindler, of course, is all too happy to oblige, he provides them with a Solution that involves giving him money, and the Con is complete.

The Swindler always has the Solution ready before he declares the existence of the Problem.

An excellent and light-hearted example of this can be found in the movie The Music Man, a 1962 musical comedy based on a Broadway play of the same name.  I’m going to be referring to this movie frequently throughout this section, so here is a synopsis of the movie’s Plot Premise from Wikipedia for those of you who are unfamiliar or need reminding:

“In July 1912, a traveling salesman, “Professor” Harold Hill (Robert Preston), arrives in River City, Iowa, intrigued by the challenge of swindling the famously stubborn natives of Iowa (“Iowa Stubborn”). Masquerading as a traveling band instructor, Hill plans to con the citizens of River City into paying him to create a boys’ marching band, including instruments, uniforms, and music instruction books. Once he has collected the money and the instruments and uniforms have arrived, he will hop the next train out of town, leaving them without their money or a band.”

Source: (08/28/2017)

In the relevant scene, Harold is talking to a former associate and fellow con man named, Marcellus (Harold calls him Marce (rhymes with farce)), and you witness the inception of his Con.  Here is a transcript of their conversation – Harold is played by Robert Preston and Marcellus is played by Buddy Hackett;

Harold: “Now, Marc[ellus], I’m in need of some ideas if I’m to get your town out of the serious trouble it’s in.

 Marcellus: “River City ain’t in any trouble.”

 Harold: “We’re gonna hafta create some… must create a desperate need in your town for a boy’s band.” 

 Harold: “Say, why does everybody keep rubbering into the billiard parlor?”

 Marcellus: “Oh, they just got in a new pool table.

Harold: “They must’ve seen a pool table before.”

Marcellus: “No. Just billiards.” 

 Harold touches his forehead as though an idea just popped into his mind

 Harold: “That’ll do it.  You just sit where you are, and remember if you see that music teacher…”

 Harold mimes as though he’s playing a piano and runs off to the general store


To watch this exchange, and the song, “Ya Got Trouble”, go to YouTube and search for: “Music Man Ya Got Trouble”; there should be several entries to choose from.  I chose the one uploaded by BravoDivine, which is accessible at this URL –

Although this story and Con Job are fictitious, it contains all the principle elements of a very Real Con.

The first thing I want you to notice is that Harold had a Solution even before a Problem existed.  He said, “… must create a desperate need in your town for a boy’s band.  Harold knew what he wanted, he just had to figure out a way to get there.

Sometimes Swindlers take advantage of Real Problems, but more often than not they “manufacture” them because they can’t risk waiting for the “right” kind of problem (one that fits their Solution) to come along.

Likewise, Hivist Con Games also begin with a Stressor.  Hivists generally begin their Scams with a Propaganda Campaign, typically some form of Media Blitz, designed to “raise awareness” about a certain “crisis” to make people Worry or a specific “injustice” to make people Mad.  If all goes according to plan, and the Hivists have successfully generated enough Stress or Anger, they will peddle a Government Solution to the issue, which is mostly intended to establish and strengthen Hive Cultures and do little (or nothing) to alleviate the actual problem.  After the Hivist Solution is implemented, the Problem is deemphasized as though it were really solved, and the Hivist leaders are lauded for their Compassion and Insight.

A Perfect example of this was the “Healthcare Crisis.”

The Solution for any Problem a Hivist encounters or manufactures is to create System of Dependencies, Obligations, and Regulations that bolster the existence of a Central Command and Control.  It has always been the Objective of Hivists to make every person dependent upon the Hive Command for every aspect of their Lives, especially for something like their Healthcare.

Single Payer Healthcare (i.e. Government run Healthcare) is, and always has been, the Goal for the Hivist just as the Boy’s Band was the Goal for Harold.  Hivists know what they want, they just have to figure out a way to get there.

In order for Hivists to implement their premade Solution they needed to find an aspect of the American Healthcare Industry they could exploit.

Since the United States of America already had the highest Quality of Healthcare in the World, the best Medical Providers, Services, and Products, Hivists needed to find something that wasn’t about the Quality.  Assailing the Quality of Healthcare in the United States would have been an extremely daunting task.  They asked themselves, “What is it about the Healthcare System in the United States that people don’t like?”

The answer was obvious; the Cost.  Hivists could easily exploit the Cost of Healthcare.

Normally, when someone identifies a Problem they legitimately try to determine the Cause so that they can fix it, but this is not the case with Swindlers; in a Con Game the Premade Solution comes first.  The Problem is only a vehicle to get to the Solution.  In other words, it’s not about solving the Problem, the Problem is irrelevant; it’s only about implementing the Solution.

Hivists would never really attempt to explain WHY Medical Costs and Insurance Premiums were rising because it didn’t matter, they just wanted to establish their Hive Cultures.  They implied, and were content to let people assume, that rising Healthcare costs were only caused by Capitalist Greed.

Now let’s go back to The Music Man…

After Harold identified Pool as something he could exploit, he began a propaganda campaign with the song, “Ya Got Trouble.”

Once again, you may attempt to view the song on YouTube at the URL I indicated above, but I have transcribed the lyrics in case it no longer exists:

Harold: “Are you Mr. Dunlop?”  (Mr. Dunlop runs the General Store next to the Billiard Hall)

Mr. Dunlop: “Yeah.”

Harold: “Well, either you’re closing your eyes
To a situation you do not wish to acknowledge
Or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated
By the presence of a pool table in your community.
Weeelll ya got trouble, my friend, right here,
I say, trouble right here in River City.
Why sure I’m a billiard player,
Certainly mighty proud I say
I’m always mighty proud to say it.
I consider that the hours I spend
With a cue in my hand are golden.
Help you cultivate horse sense
And a cool head and a keen eye.
Did ya ever take and try to give
An iron-clad leave to yourself
From a three-rail billiard shot?
But just as I say,
It takes judgement, brains, and maturity to score
In a balkline game,
I say that any boob kin take
And shove a ball in a pocket.
And they call that sloth.
The first big step on the road
To the depths of deg-ra-Day–
I say, first, medicinal wine from a teaspoon,
Then beer from a bottle.
An’ the next thing ya know,
Your son is playin’ for money
In a pinch-back suit.
And list’nin to some big out-a-town Jasper
Hearin’ him tell about horse-race gamblin’.
Not a wholesome trottin’ race, no!
But a race where they set down right on the horse!
Like to see some stuck-up jockey’boy
Sittin’ on Dan Patch? Make your blood boil?
Well, I should say.
Friends, lemme tell you what I mean.
Ya got one, two, three, four, five, six pockets in a table.
Pockets that mark the diff’rence
Between a gentlemen and a bum,
With a capital “B,”
And that rhymes with “P” and that stands for pool!
And all week long your River City
Youth’ll be frittern away,
I say your young men’ll be frittern!
Frittern away their noontime, suppertime, choretime too!
Get the ball in the pocket,
Never mind gittin’ Dandelions pulled
Or the screen door patched or the beefsteak pounded.
Never mind pumpin’ any water
‘Til your parents are caught with the Cistern empty
On a Saturday night and that’s trouble,
Oh, yes we got lots and lots a’ trouble.
I’m thinkin’ of the kids in the knickerbockers,
Shirt-tail young ones, peekin’ in the pool
Hall window after school, look, folks!
Right here in River City.
Trouble with a capital “T”
And that rhymes with “P” and that stands for pool!
Now, I know all you folks are the right kinda parents.
I’m gonna be perfectly frank.
Would ya like to know what kinda conversation goes
On while they’re loafin’ around that Hall?
They’re tryin’ out Bevo, tryin’ out cubebs,
Tryin’ out Tailor-mades like Cigarette Fiends!
And braggin’ all about
How they’re gonna cover up a tell-tale breath with Sen-Sen.
One fine night, they leave the pool hall,
Headin’ for the dance at the Arm’ry!
Libertine men and Scarlet women!
And Rag-time, shameless music
That’ll grab your son and your daughter
With the arms of a jungle animal instinct!
Friends, the idle brain is the devil’s playground!”

People: “Trouble, oh we got trouble,
Right here in River City!
With a capital “T”
That rhymes with “P”
And that stands for Pool,
That stands for pool.
We’ve surely got trouble!
Right here in River City,
Right here!
Gotta figger out a way
To keep the young ones moral after school!
Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble…”

Harold: “Mothers of River City!
Heed the warning before it’s too late!
Watch for the tell-tale sign of corruption!
The moment your son leaves the house,
Does he re-buckle his knickerbockers below the knee?
Is there a nicotine stain on his index finger?
A dime novel hidden in the corn crib?
Is he starting to memorize jokes from Capt.
Billy’s Whiz Bang?
Are certain words creeping into his conversation?
Words like ‘swell?”
And ‘so’s your old man?”
Well, if so my friends,
Ya got trouble,
Right here in River city!
With a capital “T”
And that rhymes with “P”
And that stands for Pool.
We’ve surely got trouble!
Right here in River City!
Remember the Maine, Plymouth Rock and the Golden Rule!
Oh, we’ve got trouble.
We’re in terrible, terrible trouble.
That game with the fifteen numbered balls is a devil’s tool!
Oh yes we got trouble, trouble, trouble!
With a “T”! Gotta rhyme it with “P”!
And that stands for Pool!!!


This song is the Music Man’s equivalent of a Media Blitz.  Harold convinces the Town that Pool=Trouble without any resistance whatsoever.

Look at all the rapid-fire arguments Harold makes against the game of Pool, and all but three have nothing to do with Pool, but no one even tries to stop him.  Where does one even begin to refute him?

I don’t suppose that when Meredith Wilson penned this song he ever considered it would be the subject of a political discourse.  I’m fairly certain he never dreamed that someone would come along and critique Harold’s argument, but here we are, and I’m not the only one… Consider this entry from Wikipedia:

“A smooth-talking, yet corrupt, traveling salesman takes up the occupation of a musical-instrument dealer and tries to convince the citizens of River City, Iowa, to fund his idea for a boys’ marching band by playing on their fears of youth corruption, represented by a new pocket pool table in the local billiard hall. The song is his slippery slope argument of what could happen should the citizens fail to recognize the danger and not follow his suggestion for a more wholesome activity. The song contains many types of invalid argumentation (“trouble starts with t, which rhymes with p, which stands for pool”).” – Wikipedia, Ya Got Trouble (09/13/2017)



At this point it doesn’t matter if anyone can refute his arguments or not, he’s already accomplished his mission.  All Harold wanted to do is make a majority of the townspeople believe there was a Problem, and he succeeded, as evidenced by the fact that almost everyone was chanting, “Trouble, trouble, trouble…”  Every Swindler wants their Marks to bite quickly, before they have time to analyze what they’re being presented or someone else comes along to expose and refute them.

Red Flags should go up any time you hear phrases like, “You have to act now…,” or, “This is your last chance…”

Therefore, in the real world, the Healthcare Crisis Con began with a Media Campaign that tried to convince Americans that their Healthcare System was broken because it was unaffordable.  They reported that Medical Costs and Insurance Premiums were “skyrocketing” out of control and provided anecdotal evidence that people couldn’t receive the treatment they needed because of inherent “injustices” in the Insurance Industry.  They tried to make you Worry and they tried to make you Mad.

It was an easy Sell because most Americans could see that Insurance Rates were too high, they just didn’t know why.  The Solution that Hivists desired, however, was not a real Solution to the Cost of Healthcare, so they deceptively named it the Affordable Care Act to mask the fact.

The Affordable Care Act of 2009 has absolutely nothing to do with Affordable Healthcare – its only purpose is to generate Cultures of Dependency and Obligation for those who want desperately to rule Society with an iron fist.  That’s why, in the aftermath, Hivists in both political parties ignore the overwhelming number of cries from the people to abolish it, for the law increases and solidifies their Political Power; the Swindlers have gotten what they wanted.

If you’ll notice, the Healthcare Cost Crisis has been de-emphasized despite the fact most Americans are paying far more for their Insurance than they ever had before.  It is true that some people pay virtually nothing for their Healthcare under the Law, but for the overwhelming majority of Americans the cost of Healthcare has exploded and the Quality of Care has drastically diminished.

Here is a reiteration of the stages of a Hivist Con Game:

  1. Hype a Problem, call it a Crisis or an Injustice.
  2. Present a Government Solution to the Problem that creates Dependents, Obligates certain citizens, and adds new Regulations.
  3. Implement the Solution.
  4. Suspend the Hype as though the Problem has really been solved and glorify Hivist Leaders.

There is more to this whole process, however: as the Establishment/Growth aspect of Hivism runs in the foreground, the Conditioning/Maintenance aspect constantly runs in the background.

It’s by examining the Conditioning/Maintenance Mode of Hivism that we can see what it’s really all about.

As I stated earlier, Hivism operates in two Principle Modes: an Establishment-Growth Mode and a Conditioning/Maintenance Mode.


Conditioning/Maintenance Mode (the Hivist Playbook)

In the end, a Hive is essentially a large-scale Mind Control Cult; there is no functional difference.  Every trait one would associate with a Mind Control Cult is applicable to a Hive, and every trait one would associate with a Cultist is applicable to a Hivist.

The Conditioning/Maintenance Mode of Hivism is directly comparable to the workings of a Mind Control Cult.  

A few years ago, while I was researching Religious Cults for the Final Religion, I came across an article entitled Eight Marks of a Mind Control Cult, published in 1990 by a man named Randall Watters.  Watters based his work on Robert J. Lifton’s, Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism, written in 1961.

In Watter’s article, he listed and briefly explained Eight practices he derived from Lifton’s book which could be used to identify and perpetuate Mind Control Cults.  Lifton’s work, however, was not about Religion but about the tactics of Chinese Communists under Mao Zedong.

It is no coincidence that Totalitarian Religious and Political entities would operate according to the same Playbook – they’re both Hivist and this is the Hivist Playbook.

Here are the Eight Practices of Hivism as identified by Lifton and Watters:

  1. Milieu Control
  2. Mystical Manipulation
  3. Demand for Purity
  4. Cult of Confession
  5. The “Sacred Science”
  6. Loading the Language
  7. Doctrine over Person
  8. Dispensing of Existence

In the Religious Arena, the fact that Cults and Hives are synonymous is blatantly obvious.  In the Political Arena, however, it is not so apparent.  Political Hives are not generally called Cults but are more associated with Leftist Parties and Movements as defined by the Freedom Index we learned about at the beginning.

I will be using Randall Watters’ condensed reiteration of Lifton’s work as a guide for this section, and I will make the appropriate adjustments as we go along.  My goal is to be thorough but succinct as possible.

Let me begin with a summary assessment describing the functionality of the items on Watters’/Lifton’s list:

  1. Milieu Control – involves Isolation by Occupying Immersing and Fatiguing
  2. Mystical Manipulation – involves Admonishing and Frightening
  3. Demand for Purity – involves Demoralizing Denigrating Disgracing and Shaming
  4. Cult of Confession – involves Spying Prying Disclosing and Exposing
  5. The “Sacred Science” – involves Indoctrinating and Brainwashing
  6. Loading the Language – involves Labeling Stereotyping and Invalidating
  7. Doctrine over Person – involves Dehumanizing Suppressing and Oppressing
  8. Dispensing of Existence – involves Judging and Condemning

I then organized these elements into two categories: Propaganda and Intimidation.  Mind Control Cults deal with their members with varying degrees of Propaganda and Intimidation, therefore, Hivists also deal with people the same way.

In accordance with the Eight Marks of a Mind Control Cult listed above, the elements of Hivist Propaganda would include:

  • The “Sacred Science” – Indoctrinating and Brainwashing
  • Loading the Language – Labeling Stereotyping and Invalidating

And the elements of Hivist Intimidation would include:

  • Milieu Control – Isolation by Occupying Immersing and Fatiguing
  • Mystical Manipulation – Admonishing and Frightening
  • Demand for Purity – Demoralizing Denigrating Disgracing and Shaming
  • Cult of Confession – Spying Prying Disclosing and Exposing
  • Doctrine over Person – Dehumanizing Suppressing and Oppressing
  • Dispensing of Existence – Judging and Condemning

Propaganda works in concert with Intimidation to achieve the desired results – the generation of Dependent, Obligatory, and Regulatory Cultures.

Let’s take a quick look at what these things are about.


The Sacred Science – Indoctrinating and Brainwashing

“The cult’s ideology becomes the ultimate moral vision for the ordering of human existence. The ideology is too “sacred” to call into question, and a reverence is demanded for the leadership. The cult’s ideology makes an exaggerated claim for possessing airtight logic, making it appear as absolute truth with no contradictions. Such an attractive system offers security.” – Randall Watters

Indoctrination and Brainwashing are facets of Propaganda which are used to produce specific mindsets conducive to the formation of the various Cultures required to build and maintain the Hive.  In other words, by making people think and act a certain way, you can condition them to automatically accept the Hive’s Premises and Solutions.  Propaganda is about controlling people’s Minds.

A Hive, of course, considers itself the Ultimate Vision for the ordering of all Human Existence.  Its Objectives are presented as being too important to call into question and reverence for its Proponents and Leaders is demanded.  A Hive claims that its Principles are built upon Airtight Logic, and that its Opinions are Absolute Truths with no contradictions.  No one is allowed to criticize its Premise, Methods, or Goals.

Therefore, Hive members receive constant psychological reinforcement regarding the benefits of accepting the Hive’s Solutions and the consequences of resisting them.  They’re taught that only “evil” people or “stupid” people could possibly be against the Hive, and that in order to be “good” and “smart” they need to remain loyal to their Leaders and their Cause.  All Propaganda is devised to drone the Hive’s Central Message.  As I mentioned earlier, the Central Message of every Hive is ultimately simple: it’s “Join the Hive, don’t resist the Hive, submit to the Hive, be a part of the Hive, don’t fight the Hive,” etc…, etc…

What better way to do this in the Political Arena than through the News Media?

The United States is not a Hive, but the majority of our News Media presents information that is sympathetic to the Causes of Socialism and the Democratic Party.  With any Issue Du Jour the implied message is that the Democrats are right and their opponents are wrong, that Democrats are popular and their opponents are unpopular, and that you should join them or there’s something wrong with you.


Loading the Language – Labeling Stereotyping and Invalidating

“Lifton explains the prolific use of “thought-terminating clichés,” expressions or words that are designed to end the conversation or controversy. We are all familiar with the use of the clichés “capitalist” and “imperialist,” as used by antiwar demonstrators in the 60’s. Such clichés are easily memorized and readily expressed. They are called the “language of non-thought,” since the discussion is terminated, not allowing further consideration.” – Randall Watters

Labeling, Stereotyping, and Invalidating are more facets of Propaganda that produce an “us against them” mentality and deepen the Culture of Dependency.

Hives use Loaded Language, the Language of Non-Thought, to build themselves up and tear outsiders down.  It is employed to end discussion.

Hives Invalidate their opponents with Thought-terminating Clichés designed to convince their Members or Onlookers that opposing ideas and opinions are without merit and unworthy of consideration.  At the same time, Hives christen their own members with positive Labels that are designed to make them feel superior and good about themselves.

Here are some examples of Thought-terminating Clichés used by Hivists in the American political arena: “Racist” and “Xenophobe” to describe those who want to crack down on Illegal Immigration.  “Homophobe” to describe those who are opposed to same-sex marriage.   “Climate Change Denier” or “Science Denier” to describe those who see fault in the Anthropogenic Global Warming Crisis Hypothesis.  In each case the Thought-terminating Cliché is used to end the discussion so that the Hivist doesn’t have to make a Logical Defense of their position.

While labeling their opponents and proponents with Thought-terminating clichés is by no means exclusive to Hivists, it is of critical importance to the advancement of Hivism.  The difference resides in the fact that Hives consciously formulate their Thought-terminating clichés to affect a desired outcome where other entities simply blurt them out to end a discussion they can’t seem to win.

Projecting is another form of Propaganda utilized by Hivists.  Projection Propaganda is when Hivists accuse their opponents of doing the very things they’re actually doing in order to deflect attention.  It is functionally similar to Psychological Projection described by Sigmund Freud, except it is a wholly calculated endeavor rather than an unconscious self-defense mechanism.

Now let’s take a look at how Hivists Intimidate people.


Milieu Control – Isolation by Occupying Immersing and Fatiguing

“”Milieu” is a French word meaning “surroundings; environment.” Cults are able to control the environment around their recruits in a number of ways, but almost always using a form of isolation. Recruits can be physically separated from society, or they can be warned under threat of punishment to stay away from the world’s educational media, especially when it might provoke critical thinking. Any books, movies or testimonies of ex-members of the group, or even anyone critical of the group in any way are to be avoided.

Information is carefully kept on each recruit by the mother organization. All are watched, lest they fall behind or get too far ahead of the thinking of the organization. Because it appears that the organization knows so much about everything and everyone, they appear omniscient in the eyes of the recruits.” – Randall Watters

Isolation is a form of Intimidation employed by Religious Cults and Totalitarian States to overwhelm and control their Subjects.  The Isolation may be physical or figurative, but the intent is always to separate the people from the influences of outsiders (alternative views).  Hives attempt to totally Occupy the Lives of their subjects by Immersing them in Work or Activities which give them little time or opportunity to do anything else.  If people are physically and emotionally Fatigued they won’t have the energy or desire for any other pursuits.  Isolation has the effect of breaking down an individual’s intellectual defenses so that they’re unable to critically assess the motives and the validity of the Hive.

In a country like North Korea, for example, the fact that the people are being systematically deprived of access to alternative views is readily apparent.  In a country like the United States, however, it is not so obvious.

In the “Free” world, Milieu Control is accomplished by the News Media.  The News Media decides what you should and should not see, and what you should and should not know.  Since the News Media controls these things, you will ultimately be influenced to think what they want you to think and believe what they want you to believe.  Hivists, therefore, make it a priority to commandeer and infiltrate every level of the News Media.


Mystical Manipulation – Admonishing and Frightening

“The inevitable next step after milieu control is extensive personal manipulation. This manipulation assumes a no-holds-barred character, and uses every possible device at the milieu’s command, no matter how bizarre or painful. Initiated from above, it seeks to provoke specific patterns of behavior and emotion in such a way that these will appear to have arisen spontaneously from within the environment. This element of planned spontaneity, directed as it is by an ostensibly omniscient group, must assume, for the manipulated, a near-mystical quality.

Ideological totalists do not pursue this approach solely for the purpose of maintaining a sense of power over others. Rather they are impelled by a special kind of mystique which not only justifies such manipulations, but makes them mandatory. Included in this mystique is a sense of “higher purpose,” of having “directly perceived some imminent law of social development,” and of being themselves the vanguard of this development. By thus becoming the instruments of their own mystique, they create a mystical aura around the manipulating institutions — the Party, the Government, the Organization. They are the agents “chosen” (by history, by God, or by some other supernatural force) to carry out the “mystical imperative,” * the pursuit of which must supersede all considerations of decency or of immediate human welfare. Similarly, any thought or action which questions the higher purpose is considered to be stimulated by a lower purpose, to be backward, selfish, and petty in the face of the great, overriding mission. This same mystical imperative produces the apparent extremes of idealism and cynicism which occur in connection with the manipulations of any totalist environment: even those actions which seem cynical in the extreme can be seen as having ultimate relationship to the “higher purpose.”” – Robert Jay Lifton: Idealogical Totalism

The point is that all Hives, Religious or Political, want to affect an Aura of Omnipotence and Omniscience to communicate the Futility of Resistance.

Since Political Hives aren’t about God, the Leader of a Country or the Government becomes the Mystical Component.  Everyone is familiar with the statement, “Big Brother is Watching You.”   This notion is exactly what Political Hivists want everyone to believe, even if it’s only on a subconscious level.  The infusion of a little Paranoia gives the Hive Command an Aura of Invincibility and discourages dissent.

The very knowledge of the existence of a Secret Police force, such as the SS and the NKVD, instilled Fear and Inaction on the part of citizens of both Germany and the Soviet Union.  Remember hearing about the spying capabilities of the NSA?

The more I learn, however, the more I’m convinced that the News Media is actually the Mystical Power behind Hivism in the United States, not the Leaders of the Democratic Party.  People who would otherwise take action against Hivism are paralyzed and shut down by the News Media.

The goal of the American News Media is not to Inform but to Indoctrinate people into Socialism.


Demand for Purity – Demoralizing Denigrating Disgracing and Shaming

“In the thought reform milieu, as in all situations of ideological totalism, the experiential world is sharply divided into the pure and the impure, into the absolutely good and the absolutely evil. The good and the pure are of course those ideas, feelings, and actions which are consistent with the totalist ideology and policy; anything else is apt to be relegated to the bad and the impure. Nothing human is immune from the flood of stern moral judgments. All “taints” and “poisons” which contribute to the existing state of impurity must be searched out and eliminated.

The philosophical assumption underlying this demand is that absolute purity (the “good Communist” or the ideal Communist state) is attainable, and that anything done to anyone in the name of this purity is ultimately moral. In actual practice, however, no one (and no State) is really expected to achieve such perfection. Nor can this paradox be dismissed as merely a means of establishing a high standard to which all can aspire. Thought reform bears witness to its more malignant consequences: for by defining and manipulating the criteria of purity, and then by conducting an all-out war upon impurity, the ideological totalises create a narrow world of guilt and shame. This is perpetuated by an ethos of continuous reform, a demand that one strive permanently and painfully for something which not only does not exist but is in fact alien to the human condition.”  – Robert Jay Lifton: Idealogical Totalism

Another technique of Hivism is to instill in an individual the notion that they’re personally inferior or incompetent.  An individual must never be allowed to think that they could exist without the Hive.  This is a technique that’s used extensively in established Hives, but it can be used to a certain degree during the Hive-building process.

By constantly and arbitrarily Criticizing its members, Hive Commanders can take advantage of the natural inclinations of Dependent Personalities and make them feel woefully inadequate.  Since Dependent Personalities are disposed to please their Masters, this Criticism works in accordance with the Principles of Reverse Psychology and actually intensifies their desire to bond with the Hive Manager.  It’s identical to the way an overbearing mother manipulates her children.

Here, the differences between Autonomous Personalities and Dependent Personalities are manifest; Autonomous Personalities won’t put up with arbitrary criticism.

To counter the influence of Autonomous Personalities on its Dependent Members, Hives employ the Psychology of Peer Pressure.  By openly castigating certain members of the group, even for minor offenses, others are made to conform simply to avoid the same fate.  The idea that it is better to blend in with the masses than it is to stand alone is reinforced.  As a consequence, the Conformist Members of the Hive begin to police the non-Conformists without any prompting from above.


Cult of Confession – Spying Prying Disclosing and Exposing

This section dovetails with the previous two in the Hive’s continuing effort to make individuals feel inferior, incapable, and unworthy.

Under the pretense of providing for the public’s welfare and safety, information will be carefully gathered and kept on every Member of the Hive.  “Compassionate Observation” (i.e. spying) will be used to determine if any Members are falling out of calibration with Community Thought.  Since the Hive will know so much about its Members, everyone can rest assured that all is well and they can live and work in peace.

To ensure everyone’s on the same page, every Member of the Hive will be questioned at regular intervals to determine if they’re harboring any doubts or breaking any rules, or if they know of other Members who might be.  Any anti-Hivist sentiments or activities must be disclosed.  Failure to disclose such things will result in severe consequences.  Compassion will be shown for those who confess their transgressions, and rewards will be offered to those who turn others in.

These sessions of personal disclosure serve two purposes: they allow the Hive Command to keep tabs on everyone and they deepen the Culture of Dependency.  As Watters points out:

“There is often a tendency to derive pleasure from self-degradation through confession. This occurs when all must confess their sins before each other regularly, creating an intense kind of “oneness” within the group. It also allows leaders from within to exercise authority over the weaker ones, using their “sins” as a whip to lead them on.”

Here, again, the Psychology of Peer Pressure can be greatly effective.


Dehumanizing Suppressing and Oppressing

All aspects of the Individual are to be subordinated to the Hive.  Every Member is to be stripped of any vestiges of their Individuality.

“Nothing in society will belong to anyone, either as a personal possession or as capital goods, except the things for which the person has immediate use, for either his needs, his pleasures, or his daily work.” – Étienne-Gabriel Morelly, French Communist and Author

 Each Person must become totally Dependent upon the Hive.

“Every citizen will be a public man, sustained by, supported by, and occupied at the public expense.” – Étienne-Gabriel Morelly, French Communist and Author

Individual people will only be valuable as Members of a Group.  Individuals who express opinions which contradict the Hive’s sanctioned stereotype for their Group will be silenced, ridiculed, or ignored.  For example, a Woman is only a Real Woman if she’s Pro-Choice, an African-American is only a Real African-American if they’re “down for the Cause,” a Hispanic is only a Real Hispanic if they’re for Immigration Reform, etc…, etc…

Hivists are satisfied as long people submit to the Hive; as long as people depend on the Hive for every aspect of their lives, the Hive doesn’t mind how they otherwise behave.  This is why Political Hivists are amenable to debauchery; they know that the pursuit of wanton pleasures distracts individuals from the fact that they’re being assimilated into a Hive.  As I said earlier, Political Hivism defines Freedom as nothing more than Hedonism.

Consider Lady Gaga: she is lauded as being a “free-spirit” because of the way she dresses and acts, but nothing about her exemplifies Real Freedom, none of her thoughts go against Hivism.  Hivists tolerate her exhibitions because she endorses all their tenets, from Abortion to the Redefinition of Marriage; everything she espouses falls in line with the Opinions of the Hive.   Despite her extravagant exterior, there is nothing original on the inside.  Lady Gaga is the same old same old.  She is a warrior for Hedonism, not Freedom; she has no idea what Real Freedom is all about.  Her definition of Freedom is probably nothing more than a variation of the Wiccan Rede: “an it harm none, do as ye will.”

Real Freedom is the ability to do what is Just and comprehend what is True.

Anyway, there are no real Individuals in a Hive, except for the Hive Managers.  Everyone is an expendable Second Class citizen, except for Members of the Hive Command.


Judging and Condemning

Because Hive Mangers and Members of the Hive Command are indispensable First Class citizens, they possess the Authority to decide who has the “right” to exist and who does not.  They will decide who gets what and who doesn’t, who’s valuable and who isn’t.  Only those whom they deem are an asset to the Hive will be preserved, all others will be terminated.

This sets the stage for epic Human Atrocities such as the Holocaust.

Recently, a campaign against “Sexual Harassment” has been set in motion.  On the surface it seems legitimate because no one is FOR Sexual Harassment, but it is a Hivist Scheme.

The goal of the Campaign against Sexual Harassment has nothing to do with really stopping Sexual Harassment and everything to do with the establishment of Hivism.  Claims of Sexual Harassment are used to remove the opponents of Hivism and replace them with Hivists.  Hypocrisy is rampant but ignored, and the opponents of Hivism are Automatically Guilty without due process because in the Hivist Mind they don’t have the right to exist anyway.  Anti-Hivists are Judged and Condemned simply because they’re not Hivist.

Every Hivist brought down in the Campaign against Sexual Harassment will be replaced by another Hivist.  Every Anti-Hivist brought down in the Campaign against Sexual Harassment will also be replaced by a Hivist – that’s the POINT of the whole Campaign.  Hivism has nothing to lose and everything to gain because Hivists (especially in the News Media) are the ones making the decision of who gets accused and who doesn’t.  Hivists are more than willing to sacrifice some of their own to bring down their enemies.

Always remember: Hivists will do everything possible to get what they want.  They will Lie, Cheat, Steal, and Kill in order to obtain what they desire; they won’t let anything stand in their way.  What they cannot take by brute force, they will take incrementally by coercion and deceit.  It doesn’t bother them if they have to take out a few of their own in the process; the End justifies the Means.

The Real Path to eliminating Sexual Harassment, however, begins with a Passionate Regard for the Sanctity of Human Life beginning at Conception, the Proto Criteria – it will never be found in anything else, much less Hivism (Socialism).

It is Disingenuous for Abortionists to champion the Cause against Sexual Harassment.  It is Morally Impossible to legitimately advocate for the Cause against Sexual Harassment when you have a Callous Disregard for the Sanctity of Human Life beginning at Conception.  You cannot claim that you’re serious about eliminating Sexual Harassment on one hand when you justify Abortion on the other; it is a Fatal Error, a Terminal Contradiction.

In order to Rightfully champion the Cause against Sexual Harassment you have to Condemn Abortion first.  You must condemn all those who practice Abortion and all those who endorse it or your clamoring about Sexual Harassment is Spurious.

Truly, the current Campaign against Sexual Harassment is nothing more than a Hivist Scam, it only exists to get rid of Political Opponents.  People who can justify the slaughter of innocent unborn Human Beings can’t honestly be offended by Sexual Harassment, it’s not in their nature – they’re Fake.

If you don’t believe that this current Campaign against Sexual Harassment is purely a Hivist Ruse, I invite you consider the writings of Saul Alinsky.

Saul Alinsky was an American community organizer and writer who has been embraced and lauded by Socialists and Marxists all over the world.  He is generally considered to be the founder of modern community organizing and is most noted for writing a book entitled, “Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals.”  In other words, he is the author of the literal Hivist Playbook.

While “rules” are splattered throughout the entire composition, most of the attention is focused on what is equivalent to the seventh chapter called Tactics (Alinsky did not specify chapter numbers).  Here, Alinsky elucidates 13 tactical rules for Radicals.

He writes (this is long but important):

“TACTICS MEANS doing what you can with what you have. Tactics are those consciously deliberate acts by which human beings live with each other and deal with the world around them. In the world of give and take, tactics is the art of how to take and how to give. Here our concern is with the tactic of taking; how the Have-Nots can take power away from the Haves.

For an elementary illustration of tactics, take parts of your face as the point of reference; your eyes, your ears, and your nose. First the eyes; if you have organized a vast, mass-based people’s organization, you can parade it visibly before the enemy and openly show your power. Second the ears; if your organization is small in numbers, then do what Gideon did: conceal the members in the dark but raise a din and clamor that will make the listener believe that your organization numbers many more than it does. Third, the nose; if your organization is too tiny even for noise, stink up the place.

Always remember the first rule of power tactics: Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.

The second rule is: Never go outside the experience of your people. When an action or tactic is outside the experience of the people, the result is confusion, fear, and retreat. It also means a collapse of communication, as we have noted.

The third rule is: Wherever possible go outside of the experience of the enemy. Here you want to cause confusion, fear, and retreat. General William T. Sherman, whose name still causes a frenzied reaction throughout the South, provided a classic example of going outside the enemy’s experience. Until Sherman, military tactics and strategies were based on standard patterns. All armies had fronts, rears, flanks, lines of communication, and lines of supply. Military campaigns were aimed at such standard objectives as rolling up the flanks of the enemy army or cutting the lines of supply or lines of communication, or moving around to attack from the rear. When Sherman cut loose on his famous March to the Sea, he had no front or rear lines of supplies or any other lines. He was on the loose and living on the land. The South, confronted with this new form of military invasion, reacted with confusion, panic, terror, and collapse. Sherman swept on to inevitable victory. It was the same tactic that, years later in the early days of World War II, the Nazi Panzer tank divisions emulated in their far-flung sweeps into enemy territory, as did our own General Patton with the American Third Armored Division.

The fourth rule is: Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.

The fourth rule carries within it the fifth rule: Ridicule is mans most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.

The sixth rule is: A good tactic is one that your people enjoy. If your people are not having a ball doing it, there is something very wrong with the tactic.

The seventh rule: A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. Man can sustain militant interest in any issue for only a limited time, after which it becomes a ritualistic commitment, like going to church on Sunday mornings. New issues and crises are always developing, and one’s reaction becomes, “Well, my heart bleeds for those people and I’m all for the boycott, but after all there are other important things in life”—and there it goes.

The eighth rule: Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose.

The ninth rule: The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.

The tenth rule: The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign. It should be remembered not only that the action is in the reaction but that action is itself the consequence of reaction and of reaction to the reaction, ad infinitum. The pressure produces the reaction, and constant pressure sustains action.

The eleventh rule is: If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative. We have already seen the conversion of the negative into the positive, in Mahatma Gandhi’s development of the tactic of passive resistance.

One corporation we organized against responded to the continuous application of pressure by burglarizing my home, and then using the keys taken in the burglary to burglarize the offices of the Industrial Areas Foundation where I work. The panic in this corporation was clear from the nature of the burglaries, for nothing was taken in either burglary to make it seem that the thieves were interested in ordinary loot—they took only the records that applied to the corporation. Even the most amateurish burglar would have had more sense than to do what the private detective agency hired by that corporation did. The police departments in California and Chicago agreed that “the corporation might just as well have left its fingerprints all over the place.”

In a fight almost anything goes. It almost reaches the point where you stop to apologize if a chance blow lands above the belt. When a corporation bungles like the one that burglarized my home and office, my visible public reaction is shock, horror, and moral outrage. In this case, we let it be known that sooner or later it would be confronted with this crime as well as with a whole series of other derelictions, before a United States Senate Subcommittee Investigation. Once sworn in, with congressional immunity, we would make these actions public. This threat, plus the fact that an attempt on my life had been made in Southern California, had the corporation on a spot where it would be publicly suspect in the event of assassination. At one point I found myself in a thirty-room motel in which every other room was occupied by their security men. This became another devil in the closet to haunt this corporation and to keep the pressure on.

The twelfth rule: The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. You cannot risk being trapped by the enemy in his sudden agreement with your demand and saying “You’re right—we don’t know what to do about this issue. Now you tell us.”

The thirteenth rule: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

In conflict tactics there are certain rules that the organizer should always regard as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and “frozen.” By this I mean that in a complex, interrelated, urban society, it becomes increasingly difficult to single out who is to blame for any particular evil. There is a constant, and somewhat legitimate, passing of the buck. In these times of urbanization, complex metropolitan governments, the complexities of major interlocked corporations, and the interlocking of political life between cities and counties and metropolitan authorities, the problem that threatens to loom more and more is that of identifying the enemy. Obviously there is no point to tactics unless one has a target upon which to center the attacks.”  – Saul D. Alinksy, Rules for Radicals



Every Liberal Idea is a ploy to establish a Central Command and Control.

On the day after Roy Moore, who’d been mercilessly accused of Sexual Harassment, lost the Senate race in Alabama, Rush Limbaugh made the following astute observation on his radio program:

“I’m gonna tell you: If you’re in politics and you’ve ever looked at a woman the wrong way you can expect a woman, at some point, to go public and say so. In fact, because of the success Democrats had with this, it’s entirely possible that men who haven’t done a single thing in terms of mistreating a woman, abusing her or harassing her are still nevertheless going to be accused of it. It has become a political tactic. We have now had… This is a point that I made yesterday. We have now had something that is a genuinely serious thing in its own right, in its own contained universe, sexual harassment… The use of sexual harassment and the mistreatment of women or others in the workplace is a legitimate thing. But it’s now just been corrupted and weaponized and made to look like a political opposition-research weapon. And that’s exactly what’s happened.

 And so anybody can see. And you can see that when one of these allegations is made, the women are believed, and the men who are accused are not. Which means the men have to prove a negative, and the accusers don’t have prove anything. That is a powerful weapon the Democrats have decided to use. And believe me, as we speak, they are behind closed doors creating further stratagems using this. And they are picking their targets. And you’re gonna see more of it, I predict.” – Rush Limbaugh (Dec. 13, 2017)

The way to take this “weapon” away from Hivist Democrats is to make their accusers Prove their Sincerity by Condemning Abortion before they charge someone with Sexual Harassment.

Abortion is the Greatest of all Evils, and if one cannot recognize Abortion as Evil they shouldn’t be trusted with regard to their claims of being Sexually Harassed.  If slaughtering an innocent defenseless unborn child is acceptable to them, we must conclude that lying about being Sexually Harassed would be acceptable too.

Notice that all the accusers of Sexual Harassment are brought forth by One Political Party, and One Political Party only – that fact by itself proves it’s simply a Political Tactic.

Think: if Adolf Hitler said he was Sexually Harassed by Soviet soldiers, would you believe him?


The Rude Awakening

When a Hive is forming it is usually amicable, palatable, and seductive.  When it is fully developed, however, it can become brutal and barbaric, especially when it is a Political Hive.  Remember, a Hive is an extension of its Manager: if the Hive Manager is compassionate the Hive might be cordial, but if the Hive Manager is ruthless the Hive will certainly be abusive.  A Hive reflects the temperament of its Manager.

“I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature.” – Adolf Hitler


Here, the old adage, “Absolute Power corrupts absolutely,” is completely applicable.  This is evidenced in the Religious Community when the prophets of cults become drunk with the Power they’ve cultivated.  They suddenly exercise their authority as Hive Manager to do anything they want, from taking teenage girls as brides to ordering their followers to drink poisoned “Kool-Aid.”   It is evidenced in the Political arena when a Leader begins to exterminate those he considers “undesirable” or “deplorable.”

Political Hives are far more dangerous than Religious Hives because they actually have military power to make and enforce laws for everyone, not just their members.

Hivists promise their Solutions will bring about Utopia, but they’ll never deliver because their promise was nothing more than a Con in the first place, and Utopia is not in the Nature of a Hive.  In reality, Hives are Spartan, drab, and oppressive.

Because Dependent Personalities are, for the most part, Analytically Incompetent, they can be easily led down a path to Hivism with promises of a Better Life.  They are unable to assess “problems” realistically, and they readily accept the palatable assessments of others.  Consider these naïve comments on the internet by an enthusiastic Hivist Disciple extolling the virtues of Pure Communism:

“We’re talking about a place where the aim is to make everyone equal. If Sony comes out with a Playstation3, everyone gets one. You don’t have a grocery list, you have a menu where you just pick out what you want and take it home. There are no paychecks – all money goes to the government that is only there to make sure everyone is made equal. Everyone has full medical coverage. Nobody is without whatever they need. Absolute absence of poverty.

Would [you] be willing to voluntarily live in such an environment[?] What would you expect the level of crime, education levels, etc. to be?  Note: all the freedoms felt in the USA are there – speech, religion, etc.” – Quote from

Source: (May 18, 2013)


This person obviously subscribes to the Childish Notion that “Equality” is defined Materially, and they want someone to step in and distribute everything “Fairly.”  Children truly are Dependents, and typical of a childlike dependent, this person wants mommy to make sure that all the kids have the same amount of cookies.  They’re completely oblivious to the impossible logistics that prevent their dream from coming true.  All they see are the presents under the tree after a visit from Santa Claus – they never stop to think about how they got there.

In nature, Hives cannot be bothered with frivolous pursuits – they’re on a neverending quest for the basic necessities of life; their sole objective is to avoid Starvation.  The only things an ant colony consumes, for example, are Food and Water.  The problem of Scarcity only arises when there is not enough Food or Water, and it is invariably solved by cannibalism.

Likewise, Human Hives would strive to be similarly frugal – they’d figure the fewer number of items a society is allowed to consume the less chance it has of experiencing Scarcity.  Therefore, an efficiency-minded Hivist System, such as Communism, would stipulate that only a small number of consumable items exist and that its members should have no other interests beyond them.  The person above who believes, “If Sony comes out with a Playstation3, everyone gets one. You don’t have a grocery list, you have a menu where you just pick out what you want and take it home,” is going to be sadly disappointed.  There will be no Sony, and there will be no items like the Playstation3, because they are not essential to the common good.  In fact, the manufacture of such items will be considered a waste of resources and harmful to the environment.  Furthermore, there would be no way for a Hive Command to guarantee their equitable distribution, considering the nature and complexity of their construction, and they would probably have to be outlawed.  A Hivist Society will have to keep the number of consumable items to a bare minimum so that it can guarantee their equitable distribution.  It’s all about Material Equality.               

Scarcity exists when the supply of something is not enough to meet the demand for it, if it were available free.  In order for everyone to have free access to the same stuff, only a limited number of products could be produced.  It would be virtually impossible to provide a free Playstation3 for everyone in the world (who wants one), and that wouldn’t be Fair.  The only Fair solution would be to ban the manufacture of such complex items as the Playstation3 altogether.


The Ideal Political Hive

The Ideal Political Hive will only provide people with food, water, clothing, shelter, and (maybe) some energy.  Any product that is not deemed essential for the common good will be outlawed.  Ultimately, Hivists will require that people conform to a very primitive lifestyle.  Advancements in Technology will be reported as undesirable and destructive to the environment.

All expressions of Individuality will be suppressed for the sake of Equality and Harmony within the community.  Blatant expressions of Individuality will be seen as Threatening and Detrimental to the integrity of the Hive.  It will be taught that Individuality leads to Prejudice and Favoritism, and with them comes Injustice.

All behavior and work will be directed by the Hive Command to provide for the common good.  Everyone will be sustained by, supported by, and occupied at the Hive’s expense.

Therefore, it would not be a stretch of the imagination to expect that there would come a point in the life of a Political Hive where:

  • All fetuses would be examined to see if they’d be a burden or a benefit to the Hive.  Those who were determined to be a burden would be aborted, and those who are determined to be a benefit would be allowed to be born.
  • Elderly individuals would be evaluated routinely to determine their value to the Hive.  Those who are found to be expendable would be euthanized.
  • All people would be assigned to live according to a Designated Lifecycle.     Workers would be born, educated, put into a job that benefits the Hive, retired, and euthanized when they reach a certain age.  Each worker would be allowed to live in retirement for a predetermined amount of years after they have served their time in the workforce.  After this time they would be euthanized to make room for the next wave of retirees.   This will be called Fairness, and everyone will have the luxury of knowing exactly when they’re going to die.

Life in general can be difficult.  Life in a good Hive is mediocre.  Life in a bad Hive is horrific.

Hives do not strive for exceptional results, Hives strive for adequate results.  Hives are about meeting the minimum requirements with the minimum resources.

Healthcare in the Ideal Political Hive

Since, in the Ideal Political Hive, only healthy and genetically strong children will be allowed to be born, and all workers are to be euthanized at an equitable age, the need for healthcare and healthcare facilities would be minimal.  Unfortunately, doctors require facilities and use things that harm the environment.  A Hospital is an environmentally destructive place.   No healthcare will be provided if it involves the use of environmentally destructive products or techniques.

According to Hivist Theory, however, nearly all medical issues will be solved by the very nature of existence inside the Hive.  The duties of the few physicians that need to exist will only include the essentials;

  1. To treat things like broken appendages, headaches, common cold and flu symptoms, digestive problems, and any other non-surgical ailments.
  2. To preside over child births and assess the fitness of newborns.
  3. To provide Abortion, Sterilization, and Contraceptive services.
  4. To evaluate the fitness of the individual members of the society with regard to their value to the colony, and to facilitate the administration of Euthanasia when it is necessary to benefit the Hive.

Surgery will be necessary only for the victims of accidents, and then only if it will result in their complete recovery.  Otherwise, workers who are irreparably damaged will be justifiably euthanized.

Carefully regulated diets will eliminate obesity and heart disease.  People who are genetically predisposed to heart disease or any other defect will not be allowed to reproduce.  Carefully monitored product manufacturing will eliminate most cancers.  People will not be allowed to engage in any activities that may lead to cancer, such as sunbathing or smoking.

Hives will not waste time and resources on workers that do not benefit the colony.  It is not expedient to let those who are expendable be a burden to the rest of Society.  Ants do not use their resources to cure sick ants – ill or injured ants are justifiably consumed or left to die.  In the mind of a Hivist this will be viewed as both Fair and Natural.

The Need to Control Population

When only a few people exist, it will be easier to equitably distribute goods and services.   A sparsely populated world is a critical objective of the Ideal Political Hive.

By controlling the number and types of births, and expediting natural attrition, the Ideal Hive will create an optimum population level that is both healthy for Humanity and healthy for the Environment.  Instead of billions of people using up the world’s resources, only a few million will be allowed to exist; the fewer the better.

Workers with negative genetic traits will be aborted before they are born or euthanized upon delivery, no exceptions.

In an ant colony, only the queens and drones are capable of reproduction; the workers are all one gender.  In the Ideal Political Hive, it is entirely possible that Workers would be subjected to breeding policies.  Sexual pairings would be arranged by the Hive Command to produce offspring that would best benefit the Hive.

Because of the structure of the Hive, the “family unit” will no longer be necessary.  Every person will be sustained by, supported by, and occupied by the Hive – not their families.  People will be told, “It takes a village.”   The Hive Command will propose Dependency Programs, such as the “Life of Julia,” to oversee a person’s existence from cradle to grave.

Since hives in nature are basically composed of one gender, the Ideal Political Hive will also adopt Unisexual or Homosexual policies.  The Reproductive aspects of Sexual relations will be deemphasized to facilitate the Hedonistic aspects.  Workers would be allowed to have sex for pleasure but not reproduction; Reproduction would be the exclusive domain of the Hive Command.  Second-Class citizens will be conditioned to engage in all kinds of non-reproductive sexual activities, consistent with the principles of Milieu Control, to discourage a realization of their true natures and independent capabilities.  Reproductive independence is detrimental to the integrity of the Hive.

Theoretically, a population comprised of mostly females would be preferred to one comprised mostly of males, because females are more conducive to a Culture of Dependency.  For eons women have been predisposed to rely on men for the necessities of life.  In Hivism, females are encouraged to exchange their dependency on males for dependency on the Hive Command.  Consider the case of Sandra Fluke: she couldn’t depend on a man to buy her birth control so she turned to the government – she was made a celebrity by Hivists because she wasn’t competent to provide for herself.  She probably believed she was advancing the cause of Independence for Women, but she was only advancing the cause of Hivism – she merely exchanged one form of dependency for another.  She did nothing to advance the Cause of Independence for anyone.

Given the fact that Female Workers would greatly outnumber their male counterparts in the above scenario, perhaps the Hive Command would encourage them to satisfy their sexual impulses with other females and allow them to marry.  The definition of Marriage wouldn’t matter in a Hive, as long as it isn’t about Real Sexual Unions and Reproduction.  After all,

“A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” – Irina Dunn

Source: (10/26/2013)

Males, fortunately, would still be useful to Hive Mangers in a Culture of Obligation.  A Culture of Obligation is nearly as important to a Hive Manager as a Culture of Dependency.  For eons men have been predisposed to provide for their families, and the Hive will want to channel those inclinations to make them provide for society as a whole.  After all, someone has to support the Dependency Class; people like Sandra Fluke can’t be expected to pay for their own birth control.

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” – Karl Marx; Critique of the Gotha Program

It must be this way to create Equality and preserve the Environment.  Hivism is purportedly all about Equality and preserving the Environment.

Additional Attributes of the Ideal Political Hive

If the Ideal Political Hive is ever to come to fruition, it must be one that rules the whole World; it must be a Super Hive controlled by a Super Hive Manager.  It would be the fulfillment of every Managerial Personality’s dreams.  This Super Hive, however, would be so big and complex that one person couldn’t handle it; it would have to be broken up into smaller and more manageable Sub Hives or Communes.  Each of these Sub Hives would be controlled by its own Hive Manager or Hive Command, and they would all report back to the Super Hive Manager or Hive Command.

As a member of a Sub Hive, a person may be able to select from a broad variety of food products and clothing, but everything else will be standardized to facilitate the ease of their manufacture and equitable distribution.  Equality must be ensured to, as the French Communist, Morelly, put it, “tear out the roots of vice and of all the evils of a society”; nothing can be allowed to exist that might foster jealousy or prejudice.

Cars and roads will not be permitted because they are harmful to the environment.  Since the Hive will provide for all human needs, there will be no legitimate reason to leave the Sub Hive.  Hivism is about “needs” not “wants”.  Besides, there won’t be anywhere else to go except to another commune.  Workers will not be allowed to tread upon the freshly restored Pristine Environment.

Perhaps leisure time will be spent singing songs or playing games with each other, as long as they are not harmful to the environment.  Individual private time will be discouraged to make sure every person remains faithful to the objectives of the colony.  No worker will be allowed to go off by themselves.

Inconformity will not be tolerated.  Swift and terrible retribution will be served upon those who threaten the well-being of the colony.

This IS Hivism, this is the Dream of Kings, Dictators, and Tyrants; this is the Dream of Communists, Socialists, and Progressive Democrats, but this is the life of ants, and bees, and wasps, and termites.


The Million Dollar Question

Someone asks, “What’s so bad about living in a Hive?  If people want to live in a Hive, why shouldn’t they?” 

Very true; millions of people have no problem living in a Hive.  Usually, an admission like this is followed by, “So who am I to say how they should live?”   But I’m not going to do that, because the existence of a Hive isn’t justified by the fact that some people are happy anymore than it would be unjustified if some people were unhappy.  There are bound to be happy and unhappy people no matter what.  Nor is a Hive justified by the fact that it “works.”  Slave Plantations in the South “worked.”

Like everything else, Hives are justified by whether or not they secure and subscribe to the Proto Criteria.

All Hives, however, are driven by a Personality rather than the Proto Criteria; and since they’re driven by a Personality, they are inherently unjustified and precarious.  A country may be ruled by a benevolent King who loves and respects the Proto Criteria, and for his entire tenure his citizens may enjoy Freedom.  But when he dies, and his successor takes the throne, everything can change because the country is ruled by a Personality and not the Proto Criteria.  Being ruled by a Personality doesn’t mean that the Leader is someone who is Charismatic, it simply means that the Country is ruled by someone’s Opinions; the Leader may have no more charisma than a potato, but he has his own Opinions about what is right and what is wrong.

Personalities are Mortal, the Proto Criteria are Immortal.   Personalities are Mutable, the Proto Criteria are Immutable.  Personalities are Subjective, the Proto Criteria are Objective.

Some people say that the U.S. Constitution is a “living” document, implying that it was meant to change with the times.  Though that phrase is appealing to the ear it doesn’t pass intellectual analysis.  You don’t build an everlasting house on shifting sand.  The Constitution is meant to reflect permanent principles, not transient opinions.

A properly conceived Government shouldn’t be in a constant state of evolution, the Proto Criteria do not need to evolve.  Constitutions are subordinate to the Proto Criteria, and their only purpose is to elucidate Them.  A Constitution does not establish the Proto Criteria, it recognizes them – the Proto Criteria are Eternal and Unalienable.

We state that something is either Constitutional or Unconstitutional, that may be, but the Constitution must always be in compliance with the Proto Criteria or it is invalid.  Just because the Supreme Court declares that something is Constitutional, it doesn’t mean that it’s in compliance with the Proto Criteria.

Our Founding Fathers reached for the Light, but their arms got tired.  Their spirit was willing, but their flesh was weak.  This is why they didn’t abolish Slavery from the very beginning – this is why the Supreme Court declared it Constitutional with the Dred Scott decision.  They should’ve known Slavery was wrong by Virtue of the Proto Criteria, but they couldn’t bring themselves to declare it Unconstitutional.  The Proto Criteria is the Rock upon which our Nation was founded – not the Constitution; our Nation was founded by the Declaration of Independence.  The Constitution was added later, in order to form a more perfect Union; the Union had already been established.  The Proto Criteria came first, then the Constitution.

If the Constitution doesn’t agree with the Proto Criteria, the Constitution is wrong.  The Proto Criteria cannot be Unconstitutional, but the Constitution can violate the Proto Criteria.  They are called the Proto Criteria because they are the Founding Principles upon which all Authority is based or granted.

Hivists won’t genuinely acknowledge the Proto Criteria.  Hivists might pay lip-service to them, in order to deceive, but inwardly they will despise them.  The Proto Criteria stand against everything Hivism espouses.  Even though the Proto Criteria are Eternal and Immutable, Hivists will attempt to change them, usurp them, reinterpret them, and redefine them.  The Proto Criteria and Hivism cannot co-exist.

There is one particular issue, however, where Hivism will attempt to make its stand.


The Environmental Justification of Hivism

To combat the Proto Criteria, Hivists will utilize the Environmental Justification.  The Environmental Justification is an elaborate International Scheme to permanently establish worldwide Cultures of Regulation, Obligation, and Dependency: a Quintessential Deception which incorporates all the elements of the Classic Con: Fear, Stress, Propaganda, and Mind Control.  It operates on the proposition that only a Hivist Solution could possibly save the Environment from certain destruction, and that people need to submit to the Hive for the safety of the whole world.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.” – C.S. Lewis  

The Environmental Justification is currently focused on the subject of “Anthropological Global Warming.”  Environmental Hivists utilize Circumstantial and Anecdotal Evidence to prey upon the Irrational Phobias of the Analytically Incompetent and push for a Hivist Solution to a Supposed Crisis.

For whatever reason, some people wallow in the perception that Man has emerged to destroy the Earth, that we’ve essentially become aliens on our own planet, that our species has lost its way, and that almost everything we do is harmful to the Natural Order.  Since these are Irrational Fears they cannot be placated with Reason.  When anyone has deep-rooted emotional phobias such as these it is extremely difficult to convince them to let go.  Hivists take advantage of these Emotional Fears and use them to manipulate society into embracing their Solutions.

In a manner reminiscent of the religious demagogues and charlatans of old, Environmentalist “prophets” masquerade as “scientists” making claims that are to be considered above reproach.  Ironically, their masks come off when their claims are intellectually analyzed.

A Crisis is a Subjective Thing, and Science has nothing to do with it at all.

The “scientific” evidence for a Global Warming CRISIS, any crisis, does not and cannot exist, for all Crises are Matters of Opinion.  “Scientific” evidence could exist for Global Warming, but that doesn’t mean Global Warming would be a Crisis.  The Crisis aspect of Global Warming is purely a Political Contrivance.

It is an Incontrovertible Fact that Earth’s Climate is dynamic – for approximately 4 billion years the Earth’s Average Temperature has been constantly bouncing between 72̊F and 45̊F, and we are currently at about 58̊F, which is slightly closer to the cold extreme.  Hivists’ “worst-case-scenario” predicts the Earth’s Average Temperature may reach as high as 65̊F by the year 2100, which is still far within the “normal” range.

Utilizing the Earth’s Average Temperature as justification for the Declaration of a Crisis, however, is pure Sophistry.  Average Temperature Change is ubiquitous and perpetual, and that whatever the specifics are for a given Temperature, there will always be Pros and Cons.  Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Blizzards, Thunderstorms, Torrential Rain Storms, and all the calamities associated with them will always exist as long as the Average Temperature of the Earth is between 72̊F and 45̊F.

There is no such thing as a Perfect Climate, but it is also an Incontrovertible Fact made evident by the Geological Record, that Life is more Robust and Diverse in a Warmer Climate than it is in a Colder Climate.  Therefore, any attempt to curtail Global Warming is ultimately an attack against Life.

While the “evidence” Hivists present to contend that Global Warming constitutes a Problem is ambiguous and subjective, the Evidence that the Crisis is Politically Contrived is quite distinct and objective.

Consider these comments from the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change:

“Christiana Figueres, with the lumpy title of executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), came right out and said it: Democracy is a poor political system for fighting global warming. The really good model is communist China.

 China is “doing it right,” she told Bloomberg News Tuesday [01/14/2014]. “They actually want to breathe air they don’t have to look at,” she said with a straight face.”

 Source: (01/24/2014)

“China is also able to implement policies because its political system avoids some of the legislative hurdles seen in countries including the U.S., Figueres said.”



China is the quintessential example of a Political Hive and the United Nations is laden with Hivists.  It should come as no surprise that the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change would express herself this way; the only goal of her department is to implement a Hivist Solution worldwide.

In this case, the Hivist Solution will involve Regulations that arbitrarily define “pollution” and establish Penalties for non-compliance.  “Pollution” will be defined as the by-products of any industry the Hive Command chooses to extort, and the Penalties will come in the form of monetary fines or orders to cease and desist.

All this will be done, and is being done, for the supposed General Welfare of the whole world, but Thomas Jefferson warned of these shenanigans long ago.  Consider these profound rebuttals by the 3rd President of the United States concerning the perpetrators of similar frauds in his day:

“They are not to do anything they please to provide for the general welfare, but only to lay taxes for that purpose. To consider the latter phrase not as describing the purpose of the first, but as giving a distinct and independent power to do any act they please which might be for the good of the Union, would render all the preceding and subsequent enumerations of power completely useless. It would reduce the whole instrument to a single phrase, that of instituting a Congress with power to do whatever would be for the good of the United States; and, as they would be the sole judges of the good or evil, it would be also a power to do whatever evil they please… Certainly no such universal power was meant to be given them. It was intended to lace them up straitly within the enumerated powers and those without which, as means, these powers could not be carried into effect.” –Thomas Jefferson: Opinion on National Bank, 1791. ME 3:148

“The James Sullivan Constitution to which we are all attached was meant to be republican, and we believe to be republican according to every candid interpretation. Yet we have seen it so interpreted and administered, as to be truly what the French have called, a monarchie masque.” –Thomas Jefferson to Robert R. Livingston, 1800. ME 10:177

“Aided by a little sophistry on the words “general welfare,” [the federal branch claim] a right to do not only the acts to effect that which are specifically enumerated and permitted, but whatsoever they shall think or pretend will be for the general welfare.” –Thomas Jefferson to William Branch Giles, 1825. ME 16:147


In reality, Hivists are not concerned for the General Welfare of the people – especially with regard to the security of the Proto Criteria.  Hivists want Power and Control, and they will adopt any strategy necessary to bring them to that end.  In their eyes, this is their destiny.


Hive Managers and the Divine Right of Kings

“The divine right of kings, or divine-right theory of kingship, is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving the right to rule directly from the will of God. The king is thus not subject to the will of his people, the aristocracy, or any other estate of the realm, including (in the view of some, especially in Protestant countries) the Church. According to this doctrine, only God can judge an unjust king. The doctrine implies that any attempt to depose the king or to restrict his powers runs contrary to the will of God and may constitute a sacrilegious act.”

Source: (11/26/2013)

The common thread between all Hive Managers and Hivists Leaders is the notion they possess an inherent Right to Rule.  While not all Hive Managers would consider that their ascendancy was due to an Act of God, they certainly believe that they were destined to Lead.  In other words, every Hive Manager will operate as though they’re entitled to the Divine Right of Kings: that they’ve been infused with Royal Jelly.

The line that separates a Hivist Leader from a Hive Manager is one of Accomplishment: a Hive Manager has already acquired a Hive and obtained Absolute Power, while a Hivist Leader is still in the Process of setting it up.  The only difference, for example, between a Hive Manager like Adolf Hitler and a Hivist Leader like Barrack Obama, is that Barrack Obama has yet to achieve Absolute Authority.

Psychologically and emotionally, Hive Managers are unequivocally Self Righteous: they do not live by any Standard of Morality but their own and they believe everything they do is absolutely Justified.  It is difficult to characterize them as Sociopaths or Psychopaths, however, because they are invariably adored by vast numbers of Dependent Personalities who extol the virtues of their character.  Evidence of their Megalomaniacal Tendencies are usually ignored or denied until after the fact, at which time their proponents and successors (if there are any) will begin working to whitewash and justify their endeavors.  Often, the exploits of Hive Managers result in utter catastrophes such as the Jonestown Tragedy or World War II, but usually, they pass their Hives on to a new Hive Manager who builds upon a sanitized version of their Legacy, as was the case with Nikita Khrushchev following the demise of Joseph Stalin.

All Hive Managers are agitated by obstacles to their quest for Power.  Consider this Freudian slip from Barrack Obama during a 2001 interview on Chicago’s public radio station, WBEZ FM, which reveals his underlying psychological contempt for the U.S. Constitution.  He’s specifically talking about the difficulty of implementing the Hivist Cultures of Obligation and Dependency (which he euphemistically describes here as Redistributive Change) through the courts when the revealing Megalomaniacal comment occurs.

“If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movement and its litigation strategy in the court, I think where it succeeded was to invest formal rights in previously dispossessed people, so that now I would have the right to vote. I would now be able to sit at the lunch counter and order and as long as I could pay for it I’d be OK.  But, the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, at least as it’s been interpreted, and the Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf.

And that hasn’t shifted and one of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was because the civil rights movement became so court-focused I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that.” – Barrack Obama


In saying this, Barrack Obama clearly identifies himself as a Victim of the Constitution.  The Constitution is not a charter of negative liberties for The People, it is a document that restricts the powers of would-be Tyrants and Dictators.  Only Hive Managers would consider the Constitution a charter of negative liberties.

The fact that he believes the Constitution fails to stipulate what the Government must do on your behalf demonstrates a fundamental ignorance about the objectives of Freedom and the founding of the United States.  The Declaration of Independence explicitly indicates that the function of Government is to secure the Proto Criteria (Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness), and that when a Government becomes destructive of these ends it is the Right of The People to alter or abolish it.  The Prime Directive of Government is to secure the Proto Criteria, and that is what the Government must do on your behalf.

For a Government to undertake the task of Redistributing Wealth it must abandon its Prime Directive and become destructive to the security of the Proto Criteria.

The Redistribution of Wealth is a completely Hivist concept.  Ants and bees bring food back to the Hive and put it in a Community Store.  From the Community Store each ant or bee takes what they need and leaves the rest for its siblings, hence the Communist Maxim, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”  Since all worker ants and bees are basically equal, being the same gender, being the same size, and possessing the same abilities, they don’t have to compensate for any inequities.  Communism works for these types of insects because they are genetically programmed to conform to life in a Hive.   Human Beings, however, are neither Social Insects nor genetically programmed to live in Hives.

As I stated earlier, the propensity toward Communism breaks down with the Evolution of Intellect.

A state of Communism is not a natural environment for Human Beings because Human Beings are Genetically Incompatible.  It is not merely a matter of overcoming the Human Will, it is a matter of forcing Human Beings to go against their Hard-Wired Biology.

Human Beings have evolved to be Self-Sufficient organisms.  An adult Human Being can live alone – they don’t require the existence of other human beings to survive (except to procreate).  A communistic animal cannot survive without its colony – it would soon die if it were left to itself because it has not evolved the ability to live on its own.  Usually, among communistic species, when the queen dies the whole colony dies.

Therefore, since Communism is against Human Nature, the following conditions must be brutally forced into place for a state of Pure Communism to exist.

  1. Each Person must be stripped of every vestige of their Individuality – (Nothing in society will belong to anyone, either as a personal possession or as capital goods, except the things for which the person has immediate use, for either his needs, his pleasures, or his daily work.)
  2. Each Person must become totally dependent upon everyone else – (Every citizen will be a public man, sustained by, supported by, and occupied at the public expense.)
  3. Scarcity must be eradicated – (Technology and social organization must have eliminated the need for physical labor in the production of things.)
  4. Each Person must work to live and live to work – (Labor must become not only the means of life but life’s prime want.)

Once again, this is Hivism, this is the Dream of Dictators and Tyrants: this is the life of ants, and bees, and wasps, and termites; this is a System of Pets and Slaves and Masters.

See, Hive Managers make Pets out of some people by giving them freebies.  Then Hive Managers make Slaves out of other people by forcing them to pay for the freebies.  Either way, the Hive Managers are the Masters of both groups.

Hive Managers sell Systems of Pets and Slaves to the Analytically Incompetent with promises of a better life through Government.  They justify stripping people of their Freedoms because they offer them something in return.

“Theoretically there is nothing that could stop the government from taxing 100% percent of income so long as the benefit is commensurate with their income that is taxed.” Barack Obama Sr. “Problems Facing Our Socialism” East Africa Journal (1965)

Nothing drives this point home more than the Affordable Care Act.  On April 1st, 2014, Barrack Obama held a press conference in the Rose Garden at the White House to celebrate having forced American Citizens to buy Health Insurance or pay a fine.

OBAMA: Despite several lost weeks out of the gate because of problems with the website, 7.1 million Americans have now signed up for private –

 FOLLOWERS: (cheers and applause)

 OBAMA: — insurance plans through these marketplaces — 7.1! … No, the Affordable Care Act hasn’t completely fixed our long-broken health care system.  But this law has made our health care system a lot better.

 FOLLOWERS: (silence)

 OBAMA: A lot better!

 FOLLOWERS: (smattering of applause)

OBAMA:  I gotta admit, I don’t get it.  Why are folks working so hard for people not to have health insurance?  Why are they so mad about the idea of folks having health insurance?  Many of the tall tales that have been told about this law have been debunked.  There are still no death panels.  (laughter)  Armageddon has not arrived.

OBAMA:  The debate over repealing this law is over.  (applause)  The Affordable Care Act is here to stay.  In the end, history is not kind to those who would deny Americans their basic economic security.  Nobody remembers well those who stand in the way of America’s progress or our people.  And that’s what the Affordable Care Act represents.  As messy as it’s been sometimes, as contentious as it’s been sometimes, it is progress.  It is making sure that we are not the only advanced country on earth that doesn’t make sure everybody has basic health care.

Source: (04/02/2014)


Obama asks, “What’s wrong with 7.1 million people getting insurance?”  Of course there’s nothing wrong with 7.1 million people getting insurance, providing they pay it for themselves, but there is something wrong with the Government forcing everyone else to pay for it.  The Government cannot claim that it has done something “good” for the people because it has forced everyone to have Health Insurance.  The End does not justify the Means.  In order for the Government to push this kind of Health Coverage it must violate the Proto Criteria by generating Cultures of Dependency and Obligation (i.e. Pets and Slaves), and anything that violates the Proto Criteria is Unjust.

It’s wrong for a Government to turn people into its Slaves by forcing them to pay for freebies it uses to turn other people into its Pets.  In other words, it’s wrong for a Hive Manager to turn people into his Slaves by forcing them to pay for freebies he uses to turn other people into his Pets.

No one has any problem with people having Health Insurance.  To imply that this is what the debate is about is pure Sophistry.  To actually believe that this is what the debate is all about is Analytical Incompetence.  The debate is about the Government using Health Care as an Excuse to implement Laws that violate the Proto Criteria and establish Cultures of Dependency and Obligation.  In other words, the debate is about the Democrat Party using Health Care as an excuse to make Pets and Slaves out of the American People.  If you get subsidized Health Care you’re a Pet.  If you’re forced to pay a fine or buy Health Insurance, you’re a Slave.  Hivism is all about Pets and Slaves, and the Hive Command or the Hive Manager are the Masters.


The Third-Class Citizen

Real Freedom is the Unalienable Right and Ability to Provide for yourself, Control your own Destiny (Choose your own Obligations), and Fulfil Truth and Justice.

A First-Class Citizen is able to Provide for themselves, Control their own Destiny, and Fulfil Truth and Justice.

You are not really Free if you can’t Provide for yourself, Control your own Destiny, or Fulfill Truth and Justice.

A Second-Class Citizen can’t Provide for themselves, can’t Control their own Destiny, and can’t Fulfil Truth and Justice.

But there is a Third-Class of Citizen, a deliberate type of Second-Class Citizen, who is Unwilling to Provide for themselves, Abdicates their own Destiny, and Shuns the Fulfilment of Truth and Justice.

Third-Class Citizens feel that they should be given everything they want or need in life.  Someone should give them a job, someone should give them a car, someone should give them a house, someone should give them healthcare, etc…, etc…  But it’s more than just a Sense of Entitlement, they’re also completely void of any sense of responsibility for themselves in the consequences of their actions or inactions.

In other words, they don’t feel that it’s their responsibility to cultivate their own lives whatsoever, and if their lives are miserable it’s not their fault; they blame someone else.  It’s almost as though they’re saying, “I didn’t ask to be alive, therefore, someone should give me what I want and need.”

Third-Class Citizens are not particularly reckless or undependable, they’re not necessarily lazy or unproductive, nor are they innocent or blameless, but one trait they all share is that they won’t take any responsibility for the quality of their lives.  Moreover, they specifically harbor contempt for those who do take responsibility for the quality of their lives; they actually see them as the cause of their pain and misery.  For example, a Third-Class Citizen might sincerely believe they’re poor because others are rich, or that they’re suffering because others are happy.  Third-Class Citizens are intellectually incapable of understanding or identifying the correct components of Cause and Effect.  Third-Class Citizens have a warped sense of “Fairness.”

Third-Class Citizens live like children, think like children, and ultimately act like children.  Third-Class Adults never achieve Intellectual and Emotional Maturity; they are Developmentally Arrested.  They live their whole lives as though they’re waiting for their parents to take care of them, to solve their problems, and to provide for their desires.  They never cultivate the ability to function Independently.  They want to live like Pets.

The desire to live like Pets makes Third-Class Citizens exploitable to Hivists.  All that a Hive Manager needs to do is convince them that he is there to take care of them (replace their parents) and they’ll follow him like dogs.  What they don’t realize, however, that in order to live like Pets they’re providing an excuse for their Masters to deprive other people of their Unalienable Rights.  While Third-Class Citizens are content not to exercise their own Unalienable Rights, their selfishness enables their Masters to strip the rest of Humanity of theirs.  Communists call this the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

In reality, however, the lives of Human Pets are excruciatingly mediocre, they are filled with incessant emotional and physical dissatisfaction because they’re totally reliant on other people to provide for the quality of their lives.  When they’re hungry they have to wait for their Master to put food in their bowl, when they’re sick they have to wait for their Master to take them to the doctor, when they’re exposed they have to wait for their Master to give them a shelter, etc…, etc…  If their Master doesn’t do it, it doesn’t get done; they’ve never cultivated the ability to fend for themselves or to seek out help privately.  Third-Class Citizens, those who would be Human Pets, either don’t know or don’t care that it is a function of their Freedom to Cultivate the Quality of their own lives.

The Right is a PURSUIT of Happiness – not the GIFT of Happiness – it involves Effort, and there are no guarantees.

A Hive Manager will never furnish his Pets with anything more than the bare necessities of life, because it’s not about the “welfare” of the Pets, it’s about his Power.  His Pets are nothing more than “tools” he uses to acquire more Power and Authority for himself.  Still, Third-Class Citizens will seek out Masters and Hive Managers and throw themselves at their feet.  They desperately need someone who will rule over and take care of them.  This capitulating attitude, however, is fertilizer for growing an Evil Harvest.

By providing for yourself you protect your own Freedom and the Freedom of others.

By relying on others to provide for you, you enable Nefarious Powers to strip Everyone of their Unalienable Rights, the Proto Criteria: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.  

For Third-Class Citizens, however, Freedom is an abstract, subjective, and relatively unimportant concept; it’s not worth protecting and certainly not worth dying for.  Their definition of Freedom consists of nothing more than selected platitudes and expressions of self-centered desires.  As far as they’re concerned, Freedom is purely a Hedonistic prospect; as long as they can do the things they like to do, they don’t give a damn about anyone else or the overall picture.  Their criteria for Freedom is met if no one is trying to stop them from indulging in superfluous and immature pursuits.  They neither understand nor value Real Freedom.

This brings us to one last thing concerning Hivism that I want go over before I wrap this up.  It is a contemporary issue that exemplifies Political Hivism.


The Redefinition of Marriage

Why do Political Hivists want to redefine Marriage and push for the normalization of same-sex behavior?

The answer to that question is simple: Political Hivists want to redefine Marriage and push for the normalization of same-sex behavior because there are no Individual Reproductive Pairings in a Hive.

Let us return to the quote concerning E.O. Wilson I mentioned earlier.

“Edward O. Wilson, referring to ants, once said that “Karl Marx was right, socialism works, it is just that he had the wrong species”, meaning that while ants and other eusocial species appear to live in communist-like societies, they only do so because they are forced to do so from their basic biology, as they lack reproductive independence: worker ants, being sterile, need their ant-queen to survive as a colony and a species and individual ants cannot reproduce without a queen, thus being forced to live in centralised societies. Humans, however, do possess reproductive independence so they can give birth to offspring without the need of a “queen”, and in fact humans enjoy their maximum level of Darwinian fitness only when they look after themselves and their offspring, while finding innovative ways to use the societies they live in for their own benefit.

 Source: (10/16/2013)


The object of a Hive is to centrally control every aspect of Human Existence.  This cannot be done if vestiges or ideas of Real Freedom remain.  A fundamental difference between the Higher Mammals and Social Insects is an individual’s ability to reproduce.  This is a form of “independence” that is detrimental to the Hive’s stability and authority.  In a Political Hive’s quest to control the population they must control population; they want to change the purpose of sex from Procreation to Recreation.  Hive’s deemphasize and disparage the Reproductive Nature of Marriage (as it exists in the Heterosexual Union) so that it fits with the Hive’s impetus toward Sexual Hedonism.

To accomplish this, Political Hivists work to vilify the Institution of Marriage as it was originally constituted.  In accordance with their Modus Operandi they generate a Crisis that needs to be solved by using propaganda and anecdotal evidence.  They manufacture (organize) a hitherto unknown group of victims (i.e. the Gay Community) and charge Society with a form of discrimination where none really existed or ever was intended.  Suddenly, in the public discourse, the Institution of Marriage is Unjust – it’s broken and it needs to be fixed!

This is why Hivists exalt Celebrities and Athletes for “coming out” as “Gay,” but never exalt anyone for being “Straight.”  This is why Hivist News Organizations like the Huffington Post provide Special Interest Sections entitled “Gay Voices,” but would never provide one entitled “Straight Voices.”  This is why parades and social events utilizing the phrase “Gay Pride” are organized in cities all over the country, while the phrase “Straight Pride” would be utterly disparaged.  This is why Thought-terminating clichés and mindless labels such as “Homophobe” and “Hater” are used against opponents rather than logical and reasonable arguments.

These things are all parts of a coordinated scheme to eventually eradicate the Institution of Marriage and prepare the Public for Institutional Hivism.

The conscientious observer, however, might wonder how Gay Marriage could possibly hurt Freedom.  It’s because they’ve been conditioned by Hivists to believe that Gay people are Biologically Legitimate Entities and the Issue is analogous to a Train: for them, Marriage is like a Train and Gay people just want to ride too.  They don’t understand Hivism, they don’t understand the difference between Real Sex and Fake Sex, they don’t understand the difference between Real Freedom and Superfluous Freedom, and they don’t understand what Real Marriage means to Real Freedom.  They can’t connect the dots.

Real Marriage is based on Real Sex.  Gay Marriage is based on Fake Sex.

Real Marriage cultivates Real Freedom because it’s based on Procreation, Real Sex, and it has the potential to be Productive.  It’s Real because it uses the body exactly the way it was intended.  A Man and a Woman don’t need anyone else for reproduction – they’re truly Independent.   As E.O. Wilson put it, “they can give birth to offspring without the need of a “queen.”   In other words, they can procreate without the need of a Hive.

Gay Marriage doesn’t cultivate Freedom of any kind because it’s based on Recreation, Fake Sex, and it doesn’t have the potential to be Productive at all.  It’s Fake because it doesn’t use the body the way it was intended.  A Gay couple is completely Dependent upon others for reproduction; they’re not truly Free.  In order for Gay People to propagate they need help; they must go outside of themselves.  In other words, they need a Hive (or a Host).

When a man has sex with a woman it is a substantive and functional event.  When a man has sex with another man, or a woman has sex with another woman, it is a non-substantive and dysfunctional event.  When Gay People have sex they’re only Masturbating.

For the record, the notion that people are born Gay is not scientifically substantiated.  Science has found no gene, hormone, chemical, or any other biological factor that makes people inherently Gay.  Anyone could say they’re Gay or not Gay and no one could prove otherwise.  People are born as either Male or Female, and sometimes (although rarely) Monoecious.   People are not born Straight or Gay, these are artificial delineations based on Personal Opinions and Conjecture.  Monoecious people are also known as Hermaphrodites or Intersex, and they physically and biologically exhibit the attributes of both sexes.  Gay people, on the other hand, are simply Male or Female.  Monoecious people are a Biological Reality while Gay people are Biologically Bogus – Gay people are no more legitimate Biologically than people who think they’re Vampires or Werewolves.

Being Gay is an Act, an affected air that is conveyed to accommodate a certain form of Psycho-Sexual Fantasy.  It is a Psychosis, by definition, because those who express it have lost touch with the Reality of their own Biological Existence and endeavor to use their bodies in manners which they were never intended.

Therefore, to equate Fake Sex with Real Sex is Intellectually and Scientifically Incompetent.  Real Marriage and Gay Marriage aren’t the same thing; they don’t possess the same qualities and they don’t operate on the same principles.  Real Marriage is an expression of Real Biology and Real Freedom, while Gay Marriage is only an expression of Dysfunction… and when all is said and done, that’s the Whole Point.  Hivists push Gay Marriage specifically because it is Dysfunctional.  In an insect Hive only the queens and drones can have functional sex, the rest are sexually dysfunctional.

The ultimate goal of Political Hivism is to destroy the notion of the Nuclear Family; the Natural Family of a Heterosexual species such as ours.   Of course this would be met with the reply, “Oh no, we don’t want to do that.  We’re just adding to the definition of the Nuclear Family; we’re expanding it.”  They’re expanding it alright, they’re expanding it into Oblivion.  They’re trying to render the Natural Family irrelevant with equivocation because the Natural Family is fundamental and extremely critical for the perpetuation and preservation of Real Freedom.

If you don’t think there’s a concerted effort to Abolish Marriage and the Nuclear Family, read these inside comments by an alleged Gay-Rights Advocate.

“So yes. Same-sex marriage does threaten marriage. It does threaten its sanctity. And it does threaten the current incarnation of what marriage means to us as a culture. Trying to claim otherwise, especially by misdirecting your attentions at a straw-man that never willingly stepped a foot on the battlefield, is not going to mullify anyone or do much of anything to calm the “culture war” brewing around this issue (a war that is, thankfully, temporarily winding down as same-sex marriage equality becomes a legal inevitability… but will most certainly crop back up again the next time a step forward needs to be made in dismantling the inequality inherent to the institution of marriage).

 It just so happens that the thing being threatened is something that very much needs to be threatened. The thing they seek to protect and defend is something that needs to done away with.

Privilege and kyriarchy.” – Natalie Reed, May 8, 2012


Kyriarchy is a word created by Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza to describe a system of domination and submission.  In this case, Natalie Reed tags Marriage as the Institutionalized System which suppresses the rights of “Gay” people.  By advocating for Same-sex Marriage she undoubtedly thinks she’s a Noble Champion of Human Rights.  Ironically, the “rights” Natalie Reed supports serve only as vehicles for Hivism, and Institutionalized Hivism will ultimately suppress the Proto Criteria – the most important Human Rights of All.

Political Hivists aren’t concerned about “Marriage Equality,” the object isn’t to allow Gay People to marry, Gay People are just their useful idiots, they need somebody to play the role of the victim to make the charge that Marriage is Discriminatory.  Their real goal is to eliminate Marriage altogether; they want to destroy the concept of the Nuclear Family because Hives don’t have families.

If they weren’t able to make use of Gay People, they would have found another group of “victims” and continued calling Marriage unjust.  Since they’ve convinced the public to accept Gay Marriage with endless propaganda, the next phase will be to give all the “benefits” enjoyed by Married Couples, Straight or Gay, to couples who are merely cohabiting.  Once that’s achieved, they’ll cite another injustice which will impel them to call for single people to have the same benefits.  After that, no one will be left, and they’ll finally call for the total dissolution of Legally Recognized Marriage because they can demonstrate there is no practical need for it, everyone will be assimilated.

Hivists know the Abolition of Marriage will eventually lead to the Abolition of the Family.

Suddenly, I hear Karl Marx lampooning me from the grave!

“The selfish misconception that induces you to transform into eternal laws of nature and of reason, the social forms springing from your present mode of production and form of property – historical relations that rise and disappear in the progress of production – this misconception you share with every ruling class that has preceded you. What you see clearly in the case of ancient property, what you admit in the case of feudal property, you are of course forbidden to admit in the case of your own bourgeois form of property.

 Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.” – Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto  

Make no mistake, it is well documented that Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels sought to destroy the structure of the Nuclear Family and replace it with a Hivist model.  Make no mistake, it’s what Hivists want to do right now.  This is why Hillary Clinton published the book, It Takes a Village, and why the Obama Administration promotes such a program as the “Life of Julia.”  Exactly as I have pointed out over and over, “Every citizen will be a public man, sustained by, supported by, and occupied at the public expense.”

If you still don’t think “Gay Marriage” is really a Hivist Idea, I would like to invite you to Google: “Gays against Gay Marriage.”  Please read through some of their arguments, and take note of the fact that you rarely (if ever) hear about their opinions in the news media.  The views of Gays against Gay Marriage are suppressed, downplayed, and even castigated because they don’t fit with the Hivists’ Agenda.

“As this Salon column (which links to us!) points out, gay marriage is in fact a threat, but not to families or straight marriage. It’s another nail in the coffin of outwardly acceptable gay sexual freedom. I say outwardly, because we all know boys are gonna have their fun anyhow — they’ll just feel worse about it. Society has been moving toward greater freedom in many social areas: girls are now more empowered to be sluts if they so choose, homosexuality in general is more accepted than ever, fetishes of all kinds are quite legally represented in pornography and more openly spoken of in public and media than ever before. Many people see this as a threat to Out Christian Culture, and I agree and cheer as all us deviants should.

But now some gays, because they grew up with the ideal of the white wedding (despite the fact only girls wear the dresses) and religion-based monogamy, want to stomp on the brakes of all this progress. Let’s drop all this wonderful freedom and mimic the ceremonies that celebrate the ancient, oppressive domination of the Church over men, and of men over women.

I say all this because of the big deal made over the difference between civil unions and “marriage.” Gay activists are rejecting civil unions that are literally identical to state-enforced marriage contracts except in name, on principle. This is because they want to mimic the religious heterosexuals that hate them. It’s also to send the message that gays can be just as boring and domestic as religious weirdos; a desperate desire to be seen as a “traditional family.” Sorry, honey, as long as your junk don’t interlock, you’re not. This has transcended mere legal equality and the convenience of standard-form contracts and crossed into ceremonial jealously.” Gay Marriage IS a Threat — To Gay Sexual Freedom 05Jul11

Source: (10/16/2014)


The irony of the above article is that the writer makes some of the same points I do as he argues from his own perspective – he understands that Gay Marriage will never be the same as Traditional Marriage because, as he puts it, their “junk” doesn’t interlock.  Sadly, however, he isn’t the “free spirit” he believes himself to be, he cannot escape the psychological prison of his own delusions – he actually subscribes to the fallacious notion that engaging in Sexual Hedonism is an expression of Real Freedom.



Now the time has come to finally wrap this up.  In spite of the numerous changes I have made, this article is slightly longer than the original and far longer than I had hoped for.  There was just too much I had to say and too much I couldn’t cut out.  I am still, however, not completely satisfied.

It is very important, for the preservation of Real Human Liberty, that people have a general awareness of the Objectives of Hivism and the nature of Con Games.  Society is constantly being manipulated by Hivist operatives into relinquishing their Unalienable Rights.  Day after day, the public is met with a barrage of Hivist propaganda and deceit from the News Media, Politicians, and Activists, and without a basic understanding of who they’re dealing with, the people would stand no chance.

Nothing championed by Hivism is about what it claims to be about.  Reducing Carbon Dioxide emissions isn’t about Saving the Environment, Single Payer Medical Coverage isn’t about providing everyone with Healthcare, Gay Marriage isn’t about Equality, the Me Too Movement isn’t about eliminating Sexual Harassment, and Gun Control isn’t about Public Safety – every issue championed by Hivists is about the establishment and perpetuation of a Totalitarian Command and Control through the institution of Cultures of Dependency, Obligation, and Regulation.

Hivism is System of Pets and Slaves and Masters, of First and Second-Class Citizens.

It is very interesting to note, during the Temptation of Christ in the wilderness, Satan claimed to “own” all the Kingdoms of the Earth, saying, “I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So if you worship me, it will all be yours.”  (From Luke 4:6-7 NIV)

This is an indication that Evil reigns supreme in the Machinations of the Political Realm.

Hivist minds, Leftist minds, are the minds of latent Misanthropes and potential Psychopaths; they have no problem with the violent slaughter of a defenseless fetus in its mother’s womb because deep down inside they have No Regard for the Sanctity of Human Life at all.  They justify Abortion because they ultimately believe nobody else’s life matters but their own.  They regard themselves and their kind as intellectually and morally superior while they view the rest of Humanity as nothing more than a mass of expendable and exploitable inferiors.

I tell you the Truth, the Republican Party is not the Party of God, but the Democratic Party IS the Party of Hell, the Party of Evil, the Party of Deceit, and the Party of Death; it is the Spawn of Satan, the Father of Lies.  Any Political Party or Movement that aligns itself against the Right to Life beginning at Conception is demonstrably Evil, and no real Good can ever come from it.

The Principles of Love are not served unless the Cause of Life is Victorious.

Without a Passionate Regard for Sanctity of Human Life beginning at Conception there will never be Liberty, Justice, or Equality.

A Passionate Regard for the Sanctity of Human Life beginning at Conception is the Core Belief of a truly Moral Human Being.  Just as the Love of Money is called the Root of all Evil, Love for the Right to Life is the Foundation of Real Morality.  No one can say that they are truly Moral without first possessing a Passionate Regard for the Sanctity of Human Life beginning at Conception; it is impossible.  All Real Morality flows from a Passionate Regard for the Sanctity of Human Life beginning at Conception; it is the Divine Passion.

  • If every Human Being had a Passionate Regard for the Sanctity of Human Life beginning at Conception, there would be no Murder.
  • If every Human Being had a Passionate Regard for the Sanctity of Human Life beginning at Conception, there would be no Sexual Impurity.
  • If every Human Being had a Passionate Regard for the Sanctity of Human Life beginning at Conception, there would be no Larceny.
  • If every Human Being had a Passionate Regard for the Sanctity of Human Life beginning at Conception, there would be no Deceit.
  • If every Human Being had a Passionate Regard for the Sanctity of Human Life beginning at Conception, there would be no Envy.

The Life of every Human Being begins with their Conception.

The Right to Life is the Preeminent Right; it is the Proto Criterion, the Granddaddy of them all.  Without the Right to Be Alive there are no other Rights; they do not exist.  No Right can extend beyond the Right to Life – when it does, it is no longer a Right.

Hivism, by the very nature of its structure, can never have a Passionate Regard for the Sanctity of the Life of an individual Human Being beginning at their Conception, or any other stage of their lifecycle, because nobody is important except the Hive Manager and members of the Hive Command.  In an Ant Colony, the Workers are expendable but the Queen is not.  The Queen is a First-Class Citizen and the Workers are Second-Class Citizens.

For as long as Human Beings have existed, there has been a distinction drawn between the Important and the Non-Important, the VIP and the Nobody, based upon superficial and ephemeral parameters such as Physicality, Intelligence, Notoriety, and Wealth.

Is the Life of one Human Being really more Important than another?

Do the Compulsive Rights of certain Human Beings take precedence over the Unalienable Rights of others?

We are not insects.

Now a New Standard has been Established which is based upon a substantial and everlasting parameter; Love for the Proto Criteria determines the True Quality of a Human Being.

Anyone who has a Passionate Regard for the Sanctity of Human Life beginning at Conception is a First-Class Human Being, and anyone who does not possess a Passionate Regard for the Sanctity of Human Life beginning at Conception is a Second-Class Human Being.

The Real Quality of a Human Being resides in the Disposition of their Soul (i.e. their Heart and Mind).  All Valid Opinions emanate from Souls filled with a Passionate Regard for the Sanctity of Human Life beginning at Conception.  All Invalid Opinions emanate from Souls filled with a Callous Disregard for the Sanctity of Human Life beginning at Conception.  Valid Opinions lead to Just and Valid Behavior and Invalid Opinions lead to Unjust and Invalid Behavior.

Truth, Justice, Liberty, and Equality are the Products of a Passionate Regard for the Sanctity of Human Life beginning at Conception.

Deceit, Injustice, Bondage, and Bigotry are the Products of a Callous Disregard for the Sanctity of Human Life beginning at Conception.