The Unusual Distribution of COVID-19 #11

“Ooops, did I do that?”

The Primary Geographical Distribution of COVID-19

Country Cases Deaths Recovered Closed Active CFR% Population World Cases% World Pop%
World         3,947,818            271,719         1,358,269         1,629,988         2,317,830 16.67%       7,594,000,000
United States         1,293,905               76,996            217,251            294,247            999,658 26.17%           328,200,000 32.78% 4%
United Kingdom            206,714               30,615                     344               30,959            175,755 98.89%             66,680,000 5.24% 1%
Aus, NZ, Canada               73,326                 4,526               36,398               40,924               32,402 11.06%             67,466,000 1.86% 1%
European Union         1,081,105            113,606            552,345            665,951            415,154 17.06%           446,824,564 27.38% 6%
W Eur sans UK               41,935                 2,153               28,737               30,890               11,045 6.97%             14,576,040 3.24% 0%
Tot US, UK, EU, & WE         2,696,985            227,896            835,075         1,062,971         1,634,014 21.44%           909,170,564 68.32% 12%
Rest of World         1,250,833               43,823            523,194            567,017            683,816 7.73%       6,684,829,436 31.68% 88%

The Source for Flu numbers is

Last Updated 05/08/2020 @ 6:47 am MT

“I shall have my revenge someday / And dye red with blood the Xunyang’s flow.”