The Unusual Distribution of COVID-19 #5

The Geographical Distribution of COVID-19

Country Cases Deaths Recovered Closed Active CFR% Population World Cases% World Pop%
World         2,585,195            179,839            705,691            885,530         1,699,665 20%       7,594,000,000
United States            819,321               45,356               83,008            128,364            690,957 35%           328,200,000 32% 4%
United Kingdom            133,495               18,100                     344               18,444            115,051 98%             66,680,000 5% 1%
Aus, NZ, Canada               46,522                 1,922               19,144               21,066               25,456 9%             67,466,000 2% 1%
European Union            925,844               89,622            342,325            431,947            493,897 21%           430,952,010 36% 6%
Total US, UK, & EU         1,925,182            155,000            444,821            599,821         1,325,361 26%           893,298,010 74% 12%
Rest of World            660,013               24,839            260,870            285,709            374,304 9%       6,700,701,990 26% 88%

The Source for Flu numbers is

Last Updated 04/22/2020 @ 7:00 am MT

“I shall have my revenge someday / And dye red with blood the Xunyang’s flow.”