What You Know and What You Don’t Know


What You Know and What You Don’t Know

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…

As of Oct. 1, 2019, a Pride of Lions (all other strains of the Flu) has been stalking the Streets of the United States and has been estimated to have attacked between 38 million and 54 million people and killed between 23,000 and 59,000.  At least 1 out of every 8 Americans has been attacked by a Lion (some type of Flu) since October, 2019.  Approximately 2000 Americans have died from Lion attacks in the last two weeks.


As of Jan. 12, 2020, a single Tiger (the so-called Coronavirus) has been stalking the Streets of the United States and has been known to have attacked 33,404 people, and killed 400.  Approximately 1 out of every 9,861 Americans have been attacked by the Tiger (Coronavirus) so far.


Therefore, I have some Questions. 

Before the Tiger arrived…

  • Why didn’t we shut down the schools, restaurants, and amusement parks?
  • Why didn’t we cancel sporting events, airline flights, and ocean cruises?
  • Why didn’t people see the need to hoard paper products, hand sanitizers, and groceries?
  • Why didn’t the News Media ever report the carnage being caused by the Pride of Lions?


Furthermore, the Pride of Lions has been attacking tens of millions and killing tens of thousands of people for decades, for as long as we have been keeping records, and we’ve never taken such drastic measures like this before.  What’s different now?

The Tiger’s attack and kill rate isn’t significantly different than the Pride’s, meaning, that as a predator, the Tiger poses no more threat than the Lions.

Either our response to the Lions is Insufficient, or our response to the Tiger is Excessive.  Which is it?