

One cannot believe in the concept of Race and not be Racist.  For to simply acknowledge the existence of Race, is Racism by default.  It always leads to either exclusive or inclusive behavior, whether good or bad, based solely upon the concept.  This is immoral – only evil will result from it and only evil has.

Real Racism is exclusive or inclusive behavior, whether good or bad, based solely upon the concept of Race.

It is ultimately immoral to distinguish people as separate Races.  It is ultimately immoral to preserve people as separate Races.  It is ultimately immoral to promote a person’s accomplishment in the context of their Race.  Everything about the concept of Race only serves to breed divisiveness and propagate segregation.  The very notion of it was conceived in the heart of the vilest depravities, and it seeks to validate hatred in direct repudiation of our common ancestry.

Both Science and Religion tell us that we are all descended from a common group of ancestors.  Every human being is related to every other human being through them.  We must accept the fact that we are all related and have essentially the same origin.  We are all One Species; we are all members of the Human Race, and this is the only Race that really matters.

Humanity is like a river, always flowing, always moving, and always changing – the waves that exist one moment are gone the next, yet the river still remains.  And so it is with Human Beings; a people who are here today will be gone tomorrow, yet Humanity shall endure.  What has been bred into existence will also be bred out of existence.  What has been transformed into one thing will be transformed into another.   It is neither important nor necessary for the survival of our species to define ourselves as different Races.  There is no justification for the perpetuation of any particular group of people as a specific genetic breed.

The notion that inter-racial marriage is somehow wrong is not correct.  At one time people were constrained by geographic barriers and it was not possible for men and women separated by great distances to come together and mate.  As a consequence people located in the regions far from the origin of humanity began to take on distinct appearances because of a lack of Genetic Variation.  Northern Europeans, Southern Africans, and Far Eastern Asians represent just such genetic extremities caused by this inability to mingle.  But at the crossroads of the continents, the Middle Eastern and Mediterranean communities, we catch a glimpse of how our first ancestors may have appeared.  In them is contained the complete genetic cornucopia.   They are manifest in virtually every possible genetic expression, and from them springs into existence all other variations.  They are not a mixture or blend of the peoples around them – they are the source and the origin for them.  First there was Humanity then there were Races.  The One grew into the Many, the Many did not come together to make the One.

There is only ONE Race, and that is the Human Race.   There is only ONE People, and that is the Children of the First Parents.  We are truly blood relatives, however remote, and we should magnify the splendor of our similarities before we dare to boast about our differences.  We have the power and the ability to rise above reveling in the colors of our skins.

We have all been Slaves and Masters, Victorious and Vanquished.  We have only One Origin, One History, and One Destiny.  The history of One is the history of us all, and the accomplishments of One are accomplishments for all humanity.

Now, the solution to Racism is the disavowal of the Concept of Race.  Where there is no Race perceived there is no Racism, for there is nothing declared as Racial to be Racist about.   But there are Merchants of Race, wolves in sheep’s clothing, who exploit the notion of Race in order to gain power for whatever reason.  They use it as a weapon to advance their own selfish agendas, and they would be hard-pressed to put it away, for it is both their shield and their sword in the warfare they wage upon us all.

But the problems at hand go far beyond the color of skin…

Take a look at this simple Racial Issues Diagram and memorize it:


This Racial Issues Diagram will help you determine the Moral Validity of any Social Idea, Endeavor, or Movement that employs the concept of Race.  Everything above the Intellectual Sewer Line is probably Safe and Moral, but everything below the Intellectual Sewer Line is definitely Dangerous and Immoral.

  • If any Law or Bill produced by a Government includes the Identification or Acknowledgement of any Race, except the Human Race, it is in Violation of the Proto Criteria and needs to be abolished or amended – it leads to Institutional Racism.
  • If a Political Movement is based on the Identification or Acknowledgement of any Race, except the Human Race, it is operating below the Intellectual Sewer Line and is Ultimately Evil – it leads to Violence and Genocide.
  • Furthermore, any Idea or Mindset that is Preoccupied with the Identification or Acknowledgement of any Race, except the Human Race, is operating below the Intellectual Sewer Line and is Terminally Dysfunctional – it leads to Paranoia and Bigotry.

Your Primary Identity should be Human, never let your Race be anything more than your Secondary Identity.  Likewise, when you see other people you should identify them as Human Beings first, never identify other people as members of a certain Race before considering their Humanity; don’t swim in the Sewer.

With this in mind, let us examine Identity Politics.

Identity Politics

“Identity politics are political positions based on the interests and perspectives of social groups with which people identify.” – Wikipedia: Identity Politics

Identity Politics are Corrosive and Destructive; they emanate from Darkness and lead people into Oblivion.

There is a fictional character in the book A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens, named Madame Thérèse Defarge.  She was a Tricoteuse, a knitting woman, and these Tricoteuses would knit at meetings and executions during the French Revolution.

“At the Place de la Révolution, the women began to amuse themselves by sitting in the sun and watching the daily executions. To make the most of the event, they placed chairs placed around the guillotine. Women who could afford to pay for the seats, stationed themselves in them. There have also been reports that some women were paid to attend these executions so as to create a worthwhile spectacle and encourage large crowds.

 When executions were underway, it was these zealous market women who bellowed and jeered. They were also reputedly among the first to express their disapproval of the accused. Between executions, the women entertained themselves by knitting and chatting with one another. Hence, they became known as “les tricoteuses de la Guillotine” from the word tricoter, to knit.”

Source: www.geriwalton.com/tricoteuse-knitting-women-of-the-guillotine/


The distinctive mark of Madame Defarge’s personality (spirit) was that she was motivated purely by Personal Revenge against the French Aristocracy (particularly the family of the Evrémondes) rather than the altruistic aspirations of the Revolution.

I mention her because I can’t help but see her Vengeful Spirit reflected in the behaviors of those who embrace Identity Politics.  For this reason, I am compelled to utilize the word “Tricoteuse” to describe someone (male or female) who embraces political movements in the hope of enacting some sort of “payback” against others they despise.

Racial Identity Politics is full of Tricoteuses.  They’re not interested in ending Racism, they’re interested in getting Revenge – hence, the Convoluted and Dysfunctional definition of Racism.

The Convoluted and Dysfunctional definition of Racism

Hivists intentionally promulgate a Convoluted and Dysfunctional definition of Racism in order to instigate Racial Conflict.  In fact, their definition of Racism is so Absurd and Perverse it is Categorically Insane; with it, they go so far as to actually claim the statement, “There is only One Race, the Human Race,” is Racist.

It operates on the principle of Inversion – they Invert the meaning of the terms Racist and Non-Racist so that what is truly Racist is called Non-Racist, and what is truly Non-Racist is called Racist.  This is done to allow Minority Races to literally Hate and Mistreat people of a Majority Race.  Meanwhile, Majority Races are automatically considered Racist simply because they’re the Majority.

The Great Irony of this Scheme, however, is that the Hate and Abuse are only directed toward White People.  All Races are encouraged to Hate White People, all the time, even when White People are in the Minority.  Just as the Nazis blamed the Jews for the problems of Germany, Marxists blame White People for the problems of the World, especially American White People.  This systematic de-humanization of White People is a classic example of the Eighth Principle of Mind Control being put into practice.  (White People can only become real people when they admit that they’re evil.)

Marxists deliberately exploit certain situations and people to create Mayhem and Disorder, according to the precepts of Conflict Theory.  The Dysfunctional definition of Racism they’ve instilled in the minds of Racial Tricoteuses is specifically designed to promote Violence and Distrust.

I suppose, since Marxists are materialists, they feel vindicated in the propagation of their psychotic definition because it represents a “material” definition of Racism.  It is, however, totally Bogus because it is based on the False Premise of Materialism to begin with.

No Idea is more Valid than its Premise, if the Premise is Bogus the Idea is Bogus.

The Problem with Mankind is Spiritual, not Material.  Racism is a Spiritual Issue, not a Material Issue; it is a problem of the Heart.

Of course, Conflict Theory is not about Resolution, it is about Conflict.  It is deliberately designed to generate Tension.  The Left-Wing and the Democratic Party have no intention of trying to put an end to Real Racism, they want to exploit the Unrest.

We all know the famous words spoken by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr,

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I wholeheartedly agree with Dr. King’s statement, but none, absolutely none of the policies that the Democratic Party and other Progressives have put forward are anywhere close to bringing this Dream to fruition.  Affirmative Action, for example, is exactly the opposite of what Dr. King said he was hoping for, it operates precisely by judging the color of someone’s skin rather than the content of their character.  You can’t say that you want to extinguish a fire on one hand and then pour gasoline on it with the other.  Democrat policies have only succeeded in encouraging Racism, further pushing the Dream into the distance.

I wonder why?

The goal of Hivists is not to end Racism, the strife between Races is nothing more than a Means to an End.  The goal of Hivists is, and has always been, to establish a Centralized Command and Control; a Government of raw unfettered Power.  When such a Government is finally established they’ll be able to eliminate whoever they want, once and for all, with a Final Solution.  (Keep in mind that Marxism is the invention of a White man and that the Leaders of the Worldwide Marxist Movement are mostly White, and they are the ones who formulated the Convoluted Definition of Racism in the first place.)

“1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.  2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.” – Georgia Guidestones, first two points

If they decide to kill you, they will kill you, and you won’t be able to stop them.  You have let yourselves become their Dependents; you’ve chosen to rely on them for your food, your shelter, your transportation, your health care, and your livelihood, and they can take it all away whenever they want.  They own you like pets, they are your Masters, and you can’t resist them because they have taken away your guns.

Let’s take a look at the latest buzz-phrase, White Privilege.  Where did this come from and where are they trying to make it go?

The Concept of White Privilege

White Privilege is an Illegitimate Concept invented by Racist Tricoteuses to justify their Hate; it operates below the Intellectual Sewer Line.  It is supported only by selective anecdotal evidence and leads to erroneous conclusions about the Reality of the Human Condition.

Like I said, “No Idea is more Valid than its Premise, if the Premise is Bogus the Idea is Bogus.”

Any Idea based on the Premise of White Privilege is Ultimately Dysfunctional and Unproductive on the good side, and Purposefully Provocative and Destructive on the bad.  Nothing Good will ever come from the perpetuation and acceptance of the Concept of White Privilege; it is a Terminal Cancer and a Malevolent Distraction from Reality.

Therefore, anyone who accepts the Premise of White Privilege must be viewed as either Intellectually Incompetent or Pathologically Psychotic.

Since we have been Enlightened by the Proto Criteria, and made aware of Hivism, we can clearly see that the Concept of White Privilege is an Imaginary Problem that’s tailor made for a Hivist Solution; it is designed to facilitate another Culture of Obligation.  The proponents of the Concept want White People to be made financially and ethically obligated to Non-white People based on the Premise that White People possess Societal Privileges that are not available to them.

The path chartered by the Concept of White Privilege does not lead to Racial Equality.  The Concept of White Privilege only blazes a trail that leads to more Racism and ultimately Hivism.

If the proponents of the Concept of White Privilege were genuinely concerned about Racial Equality, they would abandon their Ignorant Premise and embrace the Proto Criteria.   The Proto Criteria are the True Path to Racial Equality.  Without the Proto Criteria, Racial Equality will never, ever, exist.

The Proto Criteria are Human Rights, they make everyone Equal – everyone is considered a First-Class Citizen.  Any Idea or Proposition that one Race has Rights separate from any other Race operates below the Intellectual Sewer Line.  There are no such things as Black Rights, White Rights, Red Rights, or Yellow Rights – there are only Human Rights.  There are no Rights which are unique to a single Race except the Human Race.

The Proto Criteria are Equality!