A Rebuttal to the ACA (Obamacare)

The Definitive Rebuttal of the Affordable Care Act


What the proponents of “Obamacare” lack is a fundamental appreciation for the concept of Human Liberty and an understanding of the Purpose of Government.

The Purpose of Government, its Prime Directive, is to Secure the Proto Criteria.  The Proto Criteria are the Founding Principles, the list of unalienable Human Rights mentioned at the beginning of the Declaration of Independence consisting of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.  As stated, when a Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the RIGHT of the people to alter or abolish it.

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles…” The U.S. Declaration of Independence

Human Liberty can be measured in terms of Obligations, Regulations, and Dependencies.  Real Freedom is inversely proportional to the number of Obligations, Regulations, and Dependencies a person is forced to endure.  The fewer the number of Obligations, Regulations, and Dependencies a person has to endure, the more Freedom they possess.  The greater the number of Obligations, Regulations, and Dependencies a person has to endure, the less Freedom they possess.

Systems of Pets and Slaves

Any Government Program that’s explicitly devised to manufacture Dependents (i.e. Wards of the State) is automatically at odds with the Prime Directive and in no way secures the Proto Criteria.  By definition, Dependents are not Independent, and whoever is not Independent is not Free; it is impossible to be Dependent and Free at the same time.  A Program that systematically entices people to a station of Dependency robs them of their Freedom, turns them into Metaphorical Pets, and clearly violates their Right to Liberty.  Pets must answer to a Master.  Furthermore, such a Program that deliberately manufactures these Dependents would also have to manufacture Servants to provide for them.  A Program that involuntarily bounds people to Servitude also robs them of their Freedom and violates their Right to Liberty.  Involuntary Servitude is essentially Slavery, and Slaves are definitely not Free.  Slaves must also answer to a Master.  Therefore, a Government Program that is deliberately designed to generate a Culture of Dependents and Servants is effectively a System of Pets and Slaves.   Masters take from the wealth generated by their Slaves and give some to their Pets.  Pets receive a modicum of benefits to keep them satisfied, Slaves are left with what they need to survive, and the Master reaps all the Power and Glory.

The cultivation of a System of Pets and Slaves has been the Modus Operandi of both Religious and Political leaders since the dawn of History.  The one Exception to this Rule was once the Government of the United States of America.  The United States was not a System of Government based upon Pets and Slaves and Masters, but upon the Unalienable Rights of Man: the Proto Criteria.  The Proto Criteria is the basis of American Exceptionalism.

The advent of the Proto Criteria was the first time in History No Man was to be able to declare what people may or may not do, for they were to no longer be governed by the capricious will of a Human Master, but by the Immutable Principle of Unalienable Rights.   These Rights are Hierarchical: first comes the Right to Life then comes the Right to Liberty and then comes the Right to Pursue Happiness.  The Right to Liberty is completely constrained by the Right to Life, and the Right to Pursue Happiness is completely contained by the Right to Liberty.   There is no Right to Pursue Happiness outside of the Right to Liberty, and there is no Right to Liberty outside of the Right to Life.

Now, people bandy about the terms Equality, Justice, and Liberty with no real concept of what they mean because they fail to realize their hierarchical relationship to Life itself.  It is Life that defines Equality, Life that defines Justice, and Life that defines Liberty.  Without Life, these terms are meaningless.  This reveals that with regard to all other Rights, Life is the King of Kings.   The Right to Life is the Proto Criterion of the Proto Criteria; it is the Granddaddy of them all.  No Right can usurp, override, or circumvent the Right to Life.   If someone says that they possess a Right that’s greater than the Right to Life, they are mistaken; such a thing is impossible.

What’s interesting about this phenomenon is that it immediately separates Psychopathic people from truly Compassionate people.  Ragged, convoluted, and chaotic opinions follow Psychopaths, and orderly, refined, and consistent opinions follow the Truly Compassionate.

This means that Real Equality, Real Justice, and Real Liberty, therefore, will never exist without the Proto Criteria.  In the end, the Proto Criteria is Equality, Justice, and Liberty.

My definitions of the Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are Elegant, Pure, Thoughtful, and Refined because I do not define them to justify myself.  I have the wherewithal to acknowledge them in their Ultimate Form, even if they reveal my shortcomings and expose me as a hypocrite.

When somebody says that people have a Right to have health insurance, I raise an eyebrow.  When someone says that the Government has the Right to make health insurance a Right, I say, “No, it does not.”  The Government’s responsibility is to the Security of the Proto Criteria; nothing more, nothing less.  The Government can acknowledge rights, but it cannot create them.  Rights are naturally occurring entities, not artificial contrivances.  They can be recognized but they cannot be invented.

This brings us to the Affordable Care Act.

The Affordable Care Act is basically an archaic System of Pets and Slaves, where the Master proclaims (from his own opinion) that his Pets have the “right” to receive health insurance at the expense of his Slaves.  His Pets jump up and down and wag their tails because it’s the same as putting food in their bowl; they love their Master, and they’ll express their loyalty by voting for him until the day they die.   After all, if their Master doesn’t feed them, how are they gonna eat?  If the Government doesn’t give “poor’ people free healthcare, how are they gonna get it?  Then the Master takes a look at his Slaves, and he says, “You must pay for my Pets.  I will take away the Fruit of your Labors and buy gifts of healthcare for my Pets.”  It’s a beautiful thing, the Master is so magnanimous, and his Pets sing praises to him.

A Human Being has the right to buy health insurance, for themselves, but they don’t have the Right to force other people to buy health insurance for them just because they can’t afford it – they don’t have the right to violate the Proto Criteria.  If someone wants to voluntarily buy them health insurance, that’s their prerogative, but society at large is not Obligated to do so.

At NO POINT does the Affordable Care Act promote Human Liberty.  At NO POINT does the Affordable Care Act decrease the number of Regulations, eliminate Dependencies, or remove Obligations.  In fact, it does the exactly the opposite.  It adds to the number of Dependencies, Obligations, and Regulations, and utterly destroys all Hope of achieving or sustaining Real Freedom.  It IS NOT, and never will be, a champion for the cause of Human Liberty: in no way does it expand the catalogue of Human Rights.  It is for this reason that people justifiably object to its existence, and this is enough.

The “Affordable” Care Act provides FREE health insurance to the Pets, but it makes health insurance cost a Fortune for the Slaves.

It seems that people who embrace the Affordable Care Act have NO REGARD whatsoever for Life, Liberty, or the Pursuit of Happiness.  They seem to be content to discard their own Freedoms and the Freedoms of others to obtain something that will ultimately end in their own Oppression.

Patrick Henry once exclaimed, “Give me Liberty, or give me death.”  That Spirit is completely lost on the typical Obamacare supporter.  Obamacare supporters denigrate the concept of Freedom and the character of those who want to be Free – and some even attempt to redefine Freedom in some Hedonistic or convoluted fashion.  They are Ignorant and Oblivious with regard to what REAL Freedom is all about… they have NO HEART for it.  They would sell their souls for Diamonds in the Sky.

The comments used to Justify the existence of the Affordable Care Act are not statements of high intellect or profound reasoning.  They are shallow and deceitful.


OBAMA SAYS:  I gotta admit, I don’t get it.  Why are folks working so hard for people not to have health insurance?  Why are they so mad about the idea of folks having health insurance?  Many of the tall tales that have been told about this law have been debunked.  There are still no death panels.  (laughter)  Armageddon has not arrived.

THE HUFFINGTON POST SAYS: “The rate of uninsured Americans continued to drop in the second quarter of 2015, according to a new Gallup survey. The decline is evidence of lasting improvement following a sharp first-quarter drop, thanks to the Affordable Care Act.”

MICHAEL CONWAY: “I know way cooler when families were going bankrupt because of medical bills or being denied coverage because of preexisting condition. Hope your republican candidate runs on that.”

Obama asks, “What’s wrong people getting insurance?”  Of course there’s nothing wrong with people getting insurance, providing they pay it for themselves or receive funding from private benefactors, but there is something wrong with the Government forcing everyone else to pay for it.  The Government cannot claim that it has done something “good” for the people because it has forced everyone to have Health Insurance.  The End does not justify the Means.  In order for the Government to push this kind of Health Coverage it must violate the Proto Criteria by generating Cultures of Dependency and Obligation, and anything that violates the Proto Criteria is Unjust.

It’s wrong for a Government to turn people into its Slaves by forcing them to pay for freebies it uses to turn other people into its Pets.  In other words, it’s wrong for a Political Leader to turn people into his Slaves by forcing them to pay for freebies he uses to buy votes and turn other people into his Pets.

No one has any problem with people having Health Insurance.  To imply that this is what the debate is about is pure Sophistry.  To actually believe that this is what the debate is all about is the epitome of Analytical Incompetence.  The debate is about the Government using Health Care as an Excuse to implement Laws that violate the Proto Criteria and establish Cultures of Dependency and Obligation.  In other words, the debate is about the Democrat Party using Health Care as an excuse to make Pets and Slaves out of the American People.  If you get subsidized Health Care you’re a Pet.  If you’re forced to pay a fine or buy Health Insurance, you’re a Slave.  Neither Pets nor Slaves are FREE, both are the property of Masters.

I don’t care what kind of “benefits” the Affordable Care Act supposedly provides, it is not worth what it has taken away – our Unalienable Right to Live by the Proto Criteria.

The Affordable Care Act does absolutely nothing to advance the cause of Human Freedom, rather, it is a Formidable Obstacle to Human Freedom.

Given the choice between Freedom and Health Insurance, I’d choose Freedom any day.

It is a shame that people have no love or respect for Real Freedom anymore.  From the comments made on Social Media, it is evident that millions of Americans are completely Oblivious to what they’ve lost.  After years of conditioning and propaganda it seems they’ve gladly accepted the role of a Second-Class citizens.

Take a look at what the proponents of the ACA are defending… it’s not the Panacea they present it to be.  While it may provide some people who were formerly uninsured with insurance, it does so at an enormous cost to everyone’s Individual Liberties.  It does far more to provide for the political power of Megalomaniacs than it does to stem our medical costs.  In fact, I receive absolutely no financial benefit from the Law at all, it has only hurt me and my family.

The Affordable Care Act of 2009 has absolutely nothing to do with affordable Health Care – its only purpose is to generate Cultures of Dependency and Obligation for those who want desperately to rule Society with an iron fist.  That’s why members of both political parties ignore the overwhelming number of cries from the people to abolish it, for the law increases and solidifies their Political Power.  They don’t give a rat’s ass.

At over 2000 pages, the Affordable Care Act is an incomprehensible piece of legislation, especially for those it affects.  An average citizen doesn’t have the time or the capacity to sit down and entirely comprehend everything the law entails.  In fact, most of the members of Congress who voted for it didn’t even read it, nor did the Supreme Court Justices who upheld its legitimacy.  It was written that way by design, it was intended to be an unbearable read to obscure the Liberty-quelching ordinances inside.

A co-author of the Bill even admits to as much…

This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes.  If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies, okay?  So it’s written to do that.  In terms of risk-rated subsidies, if you had a law which said healthy people are gonna pay in… If you made it explicit the healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed, okay?  Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.  And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.  And, you know, it’s the second best argument.  Look, I wish Mark was right, we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.” – Jonathan Gruber, MIT professor of economics and co-author of the Affordable Care Act, at the 24th Annual Health Economics Conference hosted by Penn LDI (10/17/2013) 

Source: http://ldi.upenn.edu/ahec2013/agenda

The Evil of the Affordable Care Act does not reside in its innocuous details – there are no diabolical decrees which state that people are to be put in chains or systematically killed.  The Evil of the Affordable Care Act resides in the establishment of an Insidious Irreversible Culture of Obligation and Dependency.  Instead of looking for egregious prohibitions, fines, or penalties, to determine whether the Law is harmful, one should look for evidence of Regime-building in the creation of Cultures of Obligation and Dependency.  A Master doesn’t want to kill his Pets and Slaves – he just wants them under his control.  What the Law supposedly provides or doesn’t provide for people is not relevant – it’s the Power it provides for the Megalomaniacs who implement it.

In the year 1755, a French pre-communist named Étienne-Gabriel Morelly proposed a list of tenets which would ultimately become the standard objectives for the institution of Communism and Socialism.

  1. Nothing in society will belong to anyone, either as a personal possession or as capital goods, except the things for which the person has immediate use, for either his needs, his pleasures, or his daily work.
  2. Every citizen will be a public man, sustained by, supported by, and occupied at the public expense.
  3. Every citizen will make his particular contribution to the activities of the community according to his capacity, his talent and his age; it is on this basis that his duties will be determined, in conformity with the distributive laws.”


The Affordable Care Act is a blatant attempt to accomplish goal number 2.

If you believe that every citizen should be a public man, sustained by, supported by, and occupied at the public expense, it stands to reason that you would love the Affordable Care Act.  It also means that you’re resolved to being nothing more than a Second-Class Citizen – a Pet or Slave who lives and dies serving their Master.

Of course, Pets love their Master with undying loyalty, but Slaves generally hate him; that’s what we have now.  Obviously, people who think like Pets need a Master to take care of them.  Pets think the ACA is a free gift from their Master, that’s why they love it.  They give thanks to Him, as though He is the Great Provider, but it’s really the American public that pays for their “freebies.”

Not everyone gets to be a Pet.  Where there are Pets, there have to be Slaves.

Affordable Care Act is a System of Pets and Slaves, nothing more.  Our Government doesn’t have the money to pay to keep Pets unless it’s stealing it from somewhere else.  Someone has to generate wealth for it to be redistributed.

There is much talk that if the Affordable Care Act is repealed that 11 or 12 million people will lose their health insurance.  These people, however, are Political Pets who’ve received health insurance as a gift.  No one cares about the Slaves.  It should be said, “If the Affordable Care Act is repealed, 11 or 12 million Political Pets might lose their gifts but 300 million Slaves will be set free!”

Remember, Pets and Slaves are Second-Class citizens.

The only way to avoid being a Pet or a Slave to a Politician is to live by the Proto Criteria and exercise the Pursuit of your own Happiness.

Never let a Politician provide you with anything pertaining to your Livelihood, Sustenance, or Shelter, for they will exploit the opportunity in order to subdue you.