A Rebuttal to Pete Buttigieg’s take on Freedom



Pete Buttigieg is a Democratic candidate for the 2020 Presidential election.  Please watch this video of some remarks he made at a political rally in Greenville SC, March 23, 2019



A Rebuttal of Pete Buttigeig’s take on Freedom

Buttigeig’s comments from the video are in italic blue.  The Rebuttal is in bold red.


I don’t think we need different values.

 I believe in the values of this party, that’s why I’m doing this.

 It’s one of the reasons you always hear the word ‘freedom’ on my lips.

 We’ve allowed our conservative friends to get a monopoly on the idea of freedom.

 Now, they care about freedom, but they care about a very specific kind of freedom: freedom from.   

Not true.  We care about the Security of the Unalienable Rights of Mankind and we take issue with any idea or movement that would threaten them.    

Freedom from regulation, as though government were the only thing that could make us unfree.

Not from Regulations that Secure the Unalienable Rights of Mankind, particularly the Right to Life beginning at Conception.  The only Regulations that should be written are those which lead to the Security of the Unalienable Rights of Mankind; Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.  Every Regulation must protect the Unalienable Rights of Mankind without violating the Unalienable Rights of Mankind.    

But that’s not true, is it?

We know that your neighbor can make you unfree.  

Not legally.  My neighbor can’t legally confiscate my income and force me to pay for Programs of Dependency like the government can.

Your cable company can make you unfree.  

Not if you don’t have cable.  A cable company can’t take anything away from you without your consent, but the government can.

If they’re telling you who you ought to marry, your county clerk can make you unfree. 

Fail. The county clerk is a member of the government.  First Buttigeig criticizes the idea that only the government can make us unfree then he cites an example of the government making us unfree to support his claim.

You’re not free if you’re afraid to start a small business ‘cause leaving your job would mean losing your healthcare.

Healthcare shouldn’t be tied to your employer or the government precisely for such a reason.  It should be something you’re able to purchase on your own, outside of the government and outside of your employer, if and when you want it, and whenever you have the income to do so.  Your neighbors shouldn’t be forced to pay for your healthcare, and you shouldn’t be forced to pay for your neighbor’s; let Charity be voluntary.  He’s trying to make a case that people aren’t Free if there are Consequences to their actions.  Freedom does not equal No Consequences.   He’s trying to make his audience think Universal Healthcare provided by the government will make them free, but he doesn’t tell them that it will come at a great cost; that their incomes will be viciously raped and everything they’ve worked for will be confiscated and redistributed to those who do nothing.       

You’re not free if there is a veil of mistrust between you as a person of color and the officers who are sworn to keep you safe.

Buttigeig is simply pandering.  “Trust” and “Mistrust” are Emotions, and they are the result of an internal perspective, not an external fact.   He’s implying that the solution to “Mistrust” is external.  For example, I wouldn’t “trust” a grizzly bear because I’m intelligent and I know that he is a giant wild animal who is capable of killing me – but Buttigieg is suggesting that it’s the bear’s fault that I don’t trust him: he’s really implying that police officers shouldn’t focus on crime in “communities of color”.  By his logic, you’re not free if there is a veil of mistrust between you as a white person and the gang members of color you see while driving through the PUBLIC STREETS of Compton.   In other words, Buttigeig’s attempt to tie Freedom with Emotion this way is Intellectually Vapid.     

You’re not free if your reproductive choices are being dictated by male politicians in Washington.

No, rather, you’re not Free if you don’t have a Passionate Regard for the Sanctity of Human Life beginning at Conception.  Without a Passionate Regard for the Sanctity of Human Life beginning at Conception, you don’t have a Moral Compass.  In fact, without the Unalienable Right to be Alive from the time of your Conception you don’t have any Rights at all, Reproductive or otherwise.

So don’t let anybody tell you that the other side is the side that’s got a handle on freedom.

Real Freedom is the Ability to do what is Just and embrace what is True.   What prevents us from being able to do what is Just and embrace what is True?  Opinions, Obligations, Regulations, and Dependencies based on Lies, Errors, and a Callous Disregard for the Sanctity of Human Life!  These are the things which prevent us from being able to do what is Just and embrace what is True.  The Democratic Party does not have a handle on Freedom whatsoever; if you’re not a Proponent of the Unalienable Right to Life beginning at Conception, you’re not a Proponent of Human Rights at all.

We are the party of freedom, and we shouldn’t be afraid to go out there and say it.

There is no Real Freedom to be found in the policies and platform of the Democratic Party.  Every “Solution” they propose results in a System of Pets and Slaves and serves to promulgate the existence of a Totalitarian State where human beings are divided into First and Second Class citizens.   They have no Respect for the Unalienable Rights of Mankind.  Buttigieg’s claim is Laughable at best and Horrifying at worst.