So What?

Nancy Pelosi (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) via Washington Times

Nancy Pelosi says that President Trump has been “impeached forever,” and opposition segments of the News Media are trumpeting the notion that it shall be a “permanent stain” on his record.

What they fail to realize, however, is that their vote to impeach President Trump is far more an indication of their pettiness and partisanship than it is an indication of His character.  Simply because Democrats in the House of Representatives had the power to impeach President Trump doesn’t mean he deserved it or that they were justified in doing so.  It is the Democrats in the House of Representatives who have abused their power, not President Trump.

Remember, Jesus Christ was crucified by those in power simply because they disagreed with Him; He neither deserved it nor were they justified in doing so.  Crucifixion was intended not only to put Him to death but to bring Him and his follower’s great shame, putting an end to His message.

We all know how that worked out…

This Impeachment is nothing more than another injustice in the never-ending persecution of Donald Trump.